The Story of the Legend Chapter 19

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The sound of the pounding and racing of her own heart resonating in her ears woke up Amari. She slowly opened her big, brown eyes, though she couldn't see anything. Everything was a blur. She tried to rub her optics with her hands, but she couldn't move them. Every time she tried to, something rough and leather scraped her skin. She decided to see if she could move her feet, but it was the same as her hands. Something leather was rubbing up against her skin.

Once her vision cleared, a bright lamp that was placed above her blinded her. She looked around her surroundings to see that she was in some underground operating room. It was like she was in some abandoned hospital.

"How the hell did I get here?" She thought, still struggling to get out of her straps.

She looked at her hands and feet to see that she was strapped to an operating table. She had a bad feeling about this whole thing.

Amari then remembered the night before. Someone broke into their apartment and held In Hye captive and knocked her out and brought her here.

"In Hye. I hope she's alright". She mumbled to herself.

"Why would anyone kidnap me? What do I have that someone would go to these lengths to get?"

Amari shook her head. "Now is not the time to be thinking about this. I need to get out of here. I am certain it's daytime, and Su Hyun has found In Hye, so I'm sure she's okay now. I have to get myself out of here somehow".

Amari heard footsteps walking towards the door. She instantly feigned sleeping as the door swung open. She heard someone step up to the table she was strapped to and felt their hand caress her face.

"Such beauty. I hate to have to cut her open".

"He said what now?" She thought.

"Are you certain that she has it?" He asked another person, whom Amari heard walk up to the table.

"Yes, I am certain. She has the bead. I don't know how or where, but she has it. It has to be within her somewhere".

Amari recognized that voice.

"Tae-Woo?" She thought. "What bead are they even talking about?"

"And if we are wrong?"

"Then the Gumiho loses another lover. Either way, he loses something important to him".

"Su Hyun? This guy...."

"When does the operation start?"


"Well don't stall. Get with it as soon as possible". Tae-Woo said, before leaving.

"I'm sorry it has come to this." Said the doctor as he caressed her cheek again and kissed her forehead.

After that, he left the room, preparing for the operation.

Amari opened her eyes and looked around again. She was alone. She had to get out of here before he comes back and opens her up.

"I have a bobby pin in my hair. If only I can get to it". She mumbled, shaking her head, hoping to knock it out. Fortunately, she did, and it landed on her chest.

With the drug they knocked her out with, still, in her system, Amari had to use other means to get herself free.

"Great." She said, sighing in frustration.

She leaned down as far as she could and grabbed the pin with her mouth. She leaned as far as she could over to her right hand and tried to unlock herself from these straps.

"Come on," she thought.

There's  a click, and she was able to get her right-hand free. She grabbed the pin from her mouth and unlocked her left-hand then both of her feet from the straps.

"Yes! I'm free!" She thought, jumping off the table.

She looked down at herself and saw that wore a white hospital gown. She looked inside and saw that she was completely naked underneath.

"What in the hell? If I weren't so keen on trying to get out of here, I would beat the shit out of the guy that took off my clothes". She said, opening the only door to her escape, cautiously.

She looked around and saw nobody coming, so she walked out of the room. She checked left and right, trying to figure out which way to go. She decided to go left. She followed the hallway until it led her to an opened room. She heard voices coming from the place and recognized Tae-Woo's. She was about to go back the way she came until she listened to her name being called.

"So, what happens when you get this bead from Amari?" Came another familiar voice.

"Ja Kyung?" Amari thought. "That little bitch. If I ever get my hands on her...." She thought.

"I will finally be able to get rid of the Gumiho. I couldn't do it 400 years ago because I didn't match his strength and power. With his bead, I will finally be able to face him and defeat him". Tae-Woo told her.

"How do I play into this?" Ja Kyung asked. "You seem to have everything in control now that you have Amari."

"You know Su Hyun's physical weaknesses, having had a sexual relationship with him."

"How do you know about that?" She asked.

"I have been keeping tabs on him for a long time."

"Su Hyun is in just as much trouble as I am. I got to warn him not to come". She thought as she had enough of listening to their conversation. She was starting to get sick.

Amari went back the same way she came and decided to look for an empty room with a window. She can escape from there.

She found an empty storage room. She closed the door quietly and locked it, trying not to alert anyone. For all they know, She's still unconscious on the operating table. She walked towards the window. She was still on the first floor. She opened the window and climbed out of it and fell to the ground.

"Ow," she groaned, rubbing her head.

She looked around and noticed that woodland areas surrounded her. "Dang." She cursed. She was never good with directions.

Before she could do anything else, a needle was stuck in her neck.

"Good thing I timed how long you would be knocked out. I knew you were awake when Tae-Woo came and visited us. I'm very impressed that you managed to escape, but now is the time for you to go back to sleep. I promise you won't feel a thing. It would be like you're dreaming". Said the doctor as Amari collapsed in his arms, combing back some strands of hair from her face. 

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