The Story of the Legend Chapter 33

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Su Hyun woke up in cold sweat, screaming at the top of his lungs. His chest was rising up and down as he was trying to catch his breath. Amari was looking down at him, which made him confused, since before he fell asleep, he was on the floor.

"You were sweating, groaning and moving around a lot in your sleep, while holding my hand tighter than before. I figured you were having a nightmare. I put you in your bed and comforted you, until you calmed down". Amari told him. "What did you dream of?" She asked him.

"Kali's death". He told her, staring at his ceiling, before looking at her. Su Hyun outstretched his hand and gently caressed her cheek.

Amari smiled warmly and held the hand that held her cheek.

"I remembered something that may help me get rid of Tae-Woo once and for all".

"What is that?" Amari asked curiously.

"I was so hung up over the fact that Tae-Woo was immortal that I didn't think to figure where his immortality came from or the fact that his immortality is only temporary".

Amari looked at Su Hyun with a puzzled expression on her face. "Temporary?" She asked him, confused. "Is that possible?"

"I didn't think so either, but once you think about it, it had to be true. You see Tae-Woo gains his immortality by killing and ingesting the essence of supernatural creatures, it doesn't last forever. The essence eventually disappears. That's why he was so desperate to get my bead. With my bead he could have permanent immortality". Su Hyun explained to Amari.

"As long he had your bead inside of him, he would be truly immortal. Now that he doesn't have it or any other supernatural creatures to kill, he is not immortal. He's just an ordinary human". Amari told him.

"Exactly. Tae-Woo is at his weakest right now. At this time is the time to strike and kill him, getting rid of him for good". Su Hyun grinned.

"What is your plan now?" Amari asked curiously. They were finally able to figure out Tae-Woo's condition and maybe finally be able to get rid of him once and for all.

"What else can I do? I have to call him out now and fight him to the death". Su Hyun told her.

Amari grabbed his hands and held them in hers. Su Hyun smiled as he felt the warmth of her hands. He grabbed her hands and pulled Amari down in a tight embrace. Su Hyun cuddled his head into Amari's chest and listened to her heart beat, while Amari rested her head on top of his. Amari's heart began to race as she could feel Su Hyun's head in her chest.

"Your heart is racing". Su Hyun mentioned to her. "I wonder why?"

"Idiot. It's because of you and your need to do things like this, taking me by surprise". Amari mumbled to herself, but Su Hyun heard every word.

"I make your heart race like this?" Su Hyun asked her.

"Yes", Amari simply said.

Su Hyun wasted no time and instantly flipped Amari on her back gently, taking her by surprise again, making her heart race faster.

He could hear it, her heart trying to burst of her chest. He loved hearing it and listening to it.

"W-what are you doing?" Amari asked nervously.

"The way your heart races and beats for me, I love hearing it and listening to it. It assures me that you, your heart and your mind are truly mine as mine are to you".

Amari looked up at Su Hyun, blood rushing to her face, giving him an embarrassing expression on her face. "You say such embarrassing things". She said shyly.

Su Hyun looked down at her and gave her the warmest smile she had ever seen. He did not hesitate to lean down and capture her lips with his.

Amari instantly wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down more, so that the two of them could feel one another's warmth. Then another feeling overwhelmed the two of them, a tingling feeling bubbling in their stomach getting ready to erupt from the inside. Their breath started to shorten as they parted and stared into one another's eyes, longingly, desperately desiring each other.

Su Hyun's gaze darted back and forth from Amari's eyes to her lips. His dominant hand started to caress Amari's inner thigh soothingly, gently massaging it. Amari's shortened breath shortened even more as she grabbed the collar of Su Hyun's casual T-Shirt. Su Hyun noticed Amari's eyes went from longing to lust in a millisecond. As he stared into that lustful, penetrating gaze, Su Hyun could feel his pants tighten as he became fully aroused by that stare.

Amari noticed his reaction and the tightening of his trousers. She immediately and ardently reached out her hands and started to unbuckle his belt, unbutton his pants and unzip them. When Amari did that, Su Hyun started pulling off Amari's casual pants from her body and threw them on his floor, along with his pants. The two of them then went for one another's shirt and pulled them off each other, before tossing it, not caring where it landed.

Su Hyun captured Amari's lips again in a lust filled passion. His tongue wasted no time to slide between Amari's soft, full, thick lips and explore the internal caverns of her mouth. He held Amari's arms above her head as he grinded his hips in between her legs, making a glorious, melodic moan escape between Amari's lips.

"Su Hyun...." Amari moaned and gasped as he moved her own hips in the same rhythm his hips was going.

Love, lust, desire all blended into a stronger passion and exploded from within the two of them. The need of their bodies to be entwined and become one in raw passion overwhelmed both Amari and Su Hyun.

Amari pushed Su Hyun on his back, taking him by surprise. She slid off her wet underwear and Su Hyun's, allowing the erected flesh between his legs to protrude. Amari slowly and carefully made sure to slide herself on top of Su Hyun, before moving her hips in a slow, pace, backward and forward motion. She threw her head back as another moan escaped her lips. Su Hyun held onto Amari's waist and moved her hips in a quicker rhythm.

Their bodies glistened with perspiration, exploding with ecstasy from the inside as their moans of each other's names gradually crescendo-ed as that orgasmic finish was nearing its end. Su Hyun forced Amari on her back, allowing his movements to be faster and rougher to Amari's liking. He could feel his finish nearing, just around the corner. With his free hand, he started to gently massage the most sensitive part of a woman's womanhood, the clitoris, giving her womanhood the extra stimulation it needed for Amari's finish to come just as Su Hyun's did.

The two of them screamed out one another's name is passion, before Su Hyun started to ride out that orgasm. He slowly pulled out of Amari and rested beside her on his bed. The two of them laid there, staring at the ceiling, trying to get their breaths back. They held hands, they cuddled and held each other in their arms, before Amari decided to get out of bed and stroll into Su Hyun's bathroom to shower. Su Hyun's gaze sketched Amari's entire nude form into his mind as he watched her strut over to his bathroom, her hips swaying back and forth sexily and enticingly. She looked over behind her, smirking at Su Hyun.

"You coming?" She asked as she went further into the bathroom and turned on the water.

Su Hyun didn't hesitate to jump out of his bed and into his bathroom with Amari where he embraced her again and kissed her lips. Amari giggled into the kiss and stepped inside the shower, pulling Su Hyun with her, not taking her lips off of his.

Perhaps our star-crossed lovers will finally be rid of Tae-Woo and get to live their life how they wanted to together?

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