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❝ your questioning will start soon, please get ready in the next five minutes

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your questioning will start soon, please get ready in the next five minutes.

the loud voice of an unknown woman woke the girl from her deep slumber, wiping her eyes as her once bright empty room was now occupied by a man sitting on a white chair at a long gray table.

joy gets up from her bed and sits down on the other side of the table, facing the man.

"are you here to question me?" she asks

no answer comes from the man, instead he hands the girl six papers and a red pen.

the man stares at her, taking out a gun out of his white coat and lays it on the table.

answer the questions by circling the  options true or false. refraining from doing so, will result in certain execution. ❞

you may begin.
you have sixty minutes to complete.


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