I Have a Crush On My Barista

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Hey everyone, I just want to say that this fan fiction contains mature content. This is a boy love story. If you're not into that please turn away. Many people will ask me why I decided to make this. The answer is simple, we are sexual beings. So exploring your sexuality is only natural. Love is a beautiful thing, that all of us will eventually endure. When you have that in your life, it makes everyday a new adventure for you to look forward too. Hope this makes sense. Enjoy my work and check out my other fan fiction stories. Thank you.

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Kacchan P.O.V

After graduating highschool, I ended up working at Starbucks. Trust me it was the last place I wanted to work at. However my parents wanted me to be more responsible, and learn from this experience. Since my moms friend owns the store, I was able to get the job easily. Honestly this shit sucks. Last thing I want, is for someone from my old school to see me. I use to be the guy that everyone was scared of. I wasn't afraid to curse out any of my teachers, and put them back in their place. I wasn't afraid to knock a guys teeth out, or get into a fight. But one thing I was afraid of was telling my childhood friend Deku, how I really felt about him. From his messy green hair, to his emerald green eyes; he was my version of perfection. To me he's cute as fuck. I wanted so bad to be with him. Kiss and touch him unconditionally. Instead I use to kick his ass, and treat him like shit. Mostly because I was confused, I didn't want to believe I was gay or even acknowledge my feelings for him. I was conceded and was afraid of coming out. I'm eighteen now, and I still don't know what love is. I never even had my first kiss, which kind of sucks. I would do anything to be with Deku, but who am I kidding he probably doesn't even want to see me again. All I am to him, is a bully who made his life a living hell. But who can blame him, I did this to myself. That only upsets me even more. Now me and him go to different colleges. Which means I won't be able to tell him, how sorry I really am.

Deku's P.O.V

I start college in a few weeks, I'm really nervous. Yet again, when am I not.
I just came back from hanging out with my friends Uraraka and Iida. I decided to go home, but then I realized I left my keys in my other jacket. My mom won't be back from work for another two hours. Basically I got to waste time until then. I decided to get some coffee at Starbucks. Though the coffee is expensive for no reason. I knew they had a seating area, that I could just chill at for the time being. I walk passed two Starbucks stores. One was closed, and the other was over packed with people. So I decided to go to the one on the other side of town. I walk in and the smell of coffee is somehow pleasing. They had good music, it was calm, and the atmosphere was really quiet. I walked up to the cash register to order my drink. Then I saw someone I thought I wouldn't ever see again.

"Kacchan, you work here?"

"No I decided to play dress up today. Did you come here to buy a drink, or ask stupid questions Deku." He says in a very sarcastic tone.

"I'm just surprised that you work here, I mean who would hire you?"

I wish I hadn't said that, knowing Kacchan he's gonna yell at me.

"You're lucky I'm working right now. Otherwise it would've been a different story."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say it like that. To be honest, it's nice to see you working hard. It makes you look more mature. I really like it." I said with a nervouse smile.

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