❤️ Missing Date Chapter ❤️

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Okay so originally I intended to have a date chapter after Kacchan and Deku left the Starbucks shop

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Okay so originally I intended to have a date chapter after Kacchan and Deku left the Starbucks shop. However my bum ass computer decided to fuck it up for me not once not twice, but three times. After that I gave up on it and decided not to include it. However, by the power of the yaoi Gods, I found a saved file that I thought was deleted. This of course was the original date chapter. My fujoshi ass popped up and down so hard at two in the morning from pure joy, that It caused a massive eathquake in my apartment. Just know this is suppose to be taking place after they exit the Starbucks shop, and before they get on the train to chill at Kacchan's place. (Wink, Wink) Also this will have some cringy shit, but hey this wattpad you know what you signed up for. If there's any mistakes don't be an asshole just tell me nicely and I'll fix it.

PS. Also don't forget to comment and vote. Hope you enjoy. 💖

Deku P.O.V

I sat down in the seating area at the starbucks. I started drinking my latte. I was still in shock of what just happened. I wanted more than anything to be with Kacchan. Sure he may be a jerk at times, but I know there's some good in him. I took a deep breath, and tried to relax myself. I took out a pack of gum, that Uraraka gave me. I started chewing a piece. I don't know why, but when I'm nervous it helps. It was now 5 o'clock, and I watched as he walked out the back door.

BakuDeku: Starbucks Lovers ❤ Where stories live. Discover now