A Hot Latte with Extra Body

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Deku P.O.V

I sat down in the seating area at the starbucks. I started drinking my latte. I was still in shock of what just happened. I wanted more than anything to be with Kacchan. Sure he may be a jerk sometimes, but I know there's some good in him. It was now 5 o'clock, and I watched as he walked out of the back door.

"C'mon let's go nerd." He said in a calm and soothing voice.

I nodded my head, and walked out of the store. There was an awkward silence between us.

"So..um where do you wanna go. " I asked

"Well to be honest, I'm kind of tired. I worked a seven hour shift. So I hope you don't mind if we go to my place to hangout."

"No that's fine, I understand." I said with a smile.

We arrive at the train station, it was pretty crowded since it was rush hour. We both got on board the train. It was really packed. We were standing only an inch apart as the doors closed behind us.

Kacchan P.O.V

Fuck there's a lot of people on this train. On our way to my house, the train stopped out of no where. Deku almost fell, so I caught him.

"You're very clumsy, you know that Deku."

"I'm sorry Kacchan, I'll be more careful next time." He said in a low voice.

Dammit the way he says my name is so cute. I decide to wrap my arms around him, and grip him tight. I place my chin on his head. His body was warm, and his hair was very soft.

"Kacchan, why are you holding onto me?"

"Cause I don't want you to fall, and break your face."

"Oh okay, thank you." He responded.

That was a lie. I really just wanted an excuse to touch him. Deku was shorter than I was, he's only 5'4, but honestly that just made him look even more adorable. I bury my face in his messy green hair. I started to notice I was getting hard. Dammit out of all the places, why here? Why now?

"Ugh Kacchan, something is poking me in the back"

"I know."

Why the fuck did he have to moan right now.

"What is it then?"

"It's my junk, you idiot. Now stay quiet, and try not to move so much."

"Okay I won't" He responded

I grip Deku very tight as the train stops abruptly again. He has such a sweet scent. I can tell he's been working out lately, because I can feel his tone body. Dammit this gonna make me go insane. If there were no people on this train, I wouldn't hesitate to lift his ass up, and kiss up against the train door.

Deku P.O.V

I was surprised that Kacchan, would wrap his arms around me to prevent me from falling. This doesn't seem like the same guy I knew my whole life. I felt something behind my butt, that was poking me. When I asked Kacchan what it was. He told me it was his manhood that was hard. There's no doubt I'm the one who caused it. For some reason that made me kind of happy, that I can turn him on like that. I try my best to hide the embarrassed look on my face.

We finally reached our stop, and we headed for the exit at the train station. After 10 minutes of walking we arrived at his place. It was bigger than I remembered. He got out his keys, and opened the door. We walked in, and took off our shoes.

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