Trying to find AJ.

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Dean Ambrose POV:

I wake up after taking a nap in my locker room and i see Seth sitting in a chair watching Roman's match against John Cena and i didnt know what the hell was going on "What is going on?" I asked Seth then Seth replied "You took a nap before Romans match against Cena and while you we're sleep i asumed you would wake up to go to the creative room to find out who we're fighting and winning against" I then get up from laying on the couch and I sit in the corner. talking to Seth "Well i don't know why think i would wake up after that beat down by Big E and Ziggler which i was not even in shield gear and they put that on the tiantron so im not really in shape" Seth elbows me "Well lets go we gotta come out right now" Our theme hits and we walk on the stage and John Cena has Roman in a postion for the Attitude Adjustment then we back up and go backstage and Roman pushes off Cena and gives him the Superman punch and Roman goes for the pin 1..2..3! and If Roman won he would be gurranteed a title shot against Daniel Bryan.


I walk pass Dean then he said "AJ!" but i see him get blocked by Kelly Kelly and she talks to him and I walk on and go to the divas locker room and i go talk to Kaitlyn "I Don't understand that Dean just called me then he went to talk to Kelly Kelly" Kaitlyn replied and said "That seemed weird to me too i was just about to go into the Divas locker room" "Well we gotta get ready for our tag match" i said "Ok" Kaitlyn replied and we got suited up and i put on my shield cropped shirt and i put my short jeans on then i put on my shoes and tied them up and Kaitlyn finished before me and I was like wow but i didnt say nothing then we headed to the gurrila for our tag team match against the funkadatayls  Iaand my theme hit and i started skipping to the ring with my Divas title and before the match starts Naomi gives me the rear end and im knocked out cold then I later wake up and in a bed  and i notice im under the covers and when i yell for help nobody is there and i do it again "HELP!" i keep yelling and i get out under the covers and i see a pillow overs somebodys head and i pull up the pillow and i see the face of Dean Ambrose "Good Morning princess he said" I screamed and slapped him and he fell out the bed "Hey! what was that for?" he asked "You kiddnaped me!" "No i didnt" He said "Then why am i here?" I asked "Because Kaitlyn told me she needed somebody to take you to a diffrent hotel room since your guys hotels are getting remodeled" he said "Then WHY didnt she tell me this earlier!" "I don't know.." he said in a i don't know voice and i have nothing to do but just get on Instagram on my phone 8 hours later.

Dean Ambrose POV:

All i now know is that im sleeping with AJ with us both naked except i am stripped in my underwear and shes in her bra and panties then i realize its 9:34 and i decide not to tell her then I go back to sleep then I guess outta nowhere our lips came crashing and we both woke up and jumped out of bed AJ woke up and said "YOU JUST KISSED ME!" I sat and layed on the wall scared since she yelled too loud and scared me quick "I-I-I-I was sleep..." AJ Laughed so loud i stopped being afraid "Why are you laughing?" I asked "We didnt sleep kiss! I kissed you in your sleep" and AJ laughed still but i was amazed "Thats what i have been trying to do since i saw you..K-K-K-K-K-K-iss you" i said in a nervous voice "Well its 10:59 we shoud head back to bed" she said and i agreed and i all remember us kissing long in the bed then it was morning time "Good Morning sleepy head" I said then she just woke up then we got dress quick and we went in the parking lot and we drove in my rental car. 

Guys about that 10 or about 5 parts thing it wont happen because when i made this i am sleepy so basicly there will be a  part tommorow and sorry this was a short chapter well thats it for today.

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