Poem Seven: Heart Break and Pain 💔💔

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A/N: "IDFC"- Blackbear

You tell me you love me

You pull the wool over my eyes

I believed you

Until the truth came out

You never cared about me

Now I know who you truly are

A monster that hides behind a fake persona 

A monster that broke me

That broke my heart

I don't care anymore

You don't care about me so why should I care about you?

I don't fucking care

At all

Do want you want

It won't affect me

You may have broken my heart

But you didn't break my mind

I can deal with the heart break and pain

My mind will always be strong

That's why now none of the things you did to me

Make me want to cry and break down

It won't happen

You will suffer

While I am free and more confident then ever

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