Poem Seventeen: I wanna be known, by you

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A/N: I'm sorry for yet another poem that is written about suicide. It's just that I've been feeling down lately and I wanted to bring awareness to suicide because people keep joking about it and telling people to kill themselves when they don't know that if their victim does kill them self they could be charged with first degree murder even if they didn't actually kill the person. They did in a way. They kept encouraging the victim to end their life., If you don't want to read this one, you can move on to the next poem.

Fighting the battle of my bottled up insecurities

Trying to be "normal" for once.

And hide the fact that I'm not normal nor am I okay

I keep hiding behind a mask that is going to crack sooner of later

I want to tell someone how I feel and what I've been going through

But, they would all think I'm crazy and just tell me to "calm down"

How can I calm down if I feel insane and weird in the inside?

I can't

I don't know how

Why can't I speak up?

Why can't I tell someone without being scared?

Being scared of being misjudged.

Of being laughed at.

Of being assumed that what I'm saying of for attention.

Which I'm not doing.

I'm not doing any of this for attention.

It's my way of letting me emotions out and coping.

I can't deal with this anymore

I write a note as my final goodbye.

I take the pills to go numb

I take a bed sheet

And wrap it around my neck

Tears are down my face

" I'm sorry."

Are the last words I say as I take a deep breath and let go.

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