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General POV:

They had finally parked about two streets away and had arrived to Wyatt's hotel. 

"My feet are killing me!" Gwen whined. 

"Then you shouldn't have worn five inch stilettos!" Nyla snapped back at the aching girl.

"But they make me look hella taller!" Gwen defended.

Gwen was a short girl. Standing at 5'2 for a 17 year old so she would wear huge platform heels to compensate for her short stature. (just a detail i wanted to put in to have more big words heheh)

"This is the worst plan." Evelyn murmured under her breath.

"I know right." Gwen whispered back.

"Okay, recap of the plan; we get to Wyatt, explain that Finn just needed a break from work? Yeah, and we are his friends that he just met," Nyla stated, "Yeah?"

"Yeah." Everyone agreed, slightly annoyed.

At Wyatt's hotel's lobby, there was a posh lady sitting behind a large, long desk. She was on the computer typing something quickly.

"Can I help you?" She asked once she saw the four of them.

"Uh, yes. We are here to see Wyatt Oleff." Nyla took control.

"Ah yes and what are you're names?" She began to type again.

"Katrina." Nyla smiled.

The "business lady" as Gwen called her, took hold of the old phone and dialled what they assumed was Wyatt's room phone. She began to talk quietly. She nodded and put the phone gently down.

"Okay he is in room 428 on the 7th floor. Good night." She dismissed them. They all mumbled different replies back.

The trio plus one, all shuffled together to the elevater. Finn got out his phone and texted Wyatt:

Finnie Boi:
Hey d00d we in the elevator almost there

nOodle Man:
Ok man see u there

Eventually, they found his room. They all knocked on the door to see Wyatt swinging the door open. The inside of the room was really big and clean. Also very white.

"Who are you?" He asked, clearly not recognizing Finn.

"Bro it's me... Finn." Finn chuckled as Wyatt still looked quite puzzled. Then he saw and invited the foursome in his room. There they saw clothes all over the floor in a heap and lots of food in the kitchen. It smelled strange throughout the room. It smelled... of weed Gwen soon figured. Her eyes widened in shock. Gwen tried to secretively plug up her nose but failed.  Wyatt looked at her strange. Then he  realized she knew the smell. Instead of being scared, he grabbed a bag out of his hoodie's pocket halfway filled with (omg it was at 420 words)  good ol' Mary Jane.

"Want some?" Wyatt asked her.

"Nonononono! I am a child of God," Gwen motioned prayer hands, "I ain't ever gonna smoke the devil's lettuce!" Gwen chanted.

"O-oh I just thought, because of your outfit..." Wyatt motioned to the way she dresses, like a stoner. Everyone in the room besides Wyatt and Gwen started to laugh at him.

"Well you thought bitch." Gwen said. Sass filling her lungs. Or maybe just the weed in the air.

Finn's POV:

We got to Wyatt's hotel room. It was nice to see another familiar face. It has been awhile since I've been outside. All of us, besides Noodle Man, took off all the makeup and prosthetics. Nyla was the first to the shower, getting out in short shorts and a rather big t-shirt. Then Evelyn. Her in leggings and a PJ shirt. Then me and I just wore the shorts they gave me the first time we met and a tank top. Lastly, Gwen got in the shower. She came out wearing a huge sweatshirt and PJ bottoms. We all settled on the bed, "Okay, Wyatt, I actually wasn't kidnapped. I just needed a break from, well, everything. So I turned off my phone, T.V. and I met new people who didn't already know me." I finished turning to point to the girls. Wyatt nodded and understood.

"Okay. Okay. Cool cool. That's all fine, all good bro." Wyatt responded.

"Yeah man thanks." I smiled, he was high. His eyes were red and he reeked of weed. But it's fine. And in quote of the Black Eyed Peas, "Tonight's gonna be a good night."

(yo, lots of ppl smoke 4 2 0, its FINE CALM UR TITS. i also feel like wyatt would smoke it to be more chill ;) )

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