My house
My rules
My phone
My stone
Leave my fucking plants alone
With 60 strangers
You're aloneKnock on the door
Crack onthe floor
No loo paper
You need to keep the chilren safer
Get that dog away!
Ooh, can the kitty stay?Fuk you all
Run down the hall
Put on my headphones
And lock the door
Tis isn't home aymore...Auther note
Okay I know this poem is a little wierd, so let me explain it.
My mom ran a dayboarding in my house and works at a school. I came home every day and I have nearly 60 children and some teachers too. The house became a horrible place for me because the teachers wouldboss me around and use all our thig when my mom had meetings becuase tey saw me as someone with no authority so they could do what they wanted. I endedup having to deal with all sorts of nonsense frm both teachers and children. Home was no longer home, it was the place I went every afternoon to punch walls with Green Day blaring until 6 when mom came home.
So, this poem came to be. To help me cope.
Trust me, you can't even begin to think how it feels to come home just to be bossed around, and all the people hating you, until you experiace it....
The Storm Inside
PoésieThings that swirling in my head, that just need to be said...