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When the bell rings I look at my schedule. It is time for second block. I look to see where I am suppose to be going. I have Algebra II next. Thankfully I have figured out my way around the campus from a map. As I am walking through the hall I watch all the other kids. There are so many people in the hallway. I try to stay behind a group of people so I can follow them through the crowd. I learned about doing this in my other schools. If you stay close enough behind a group you won't have to fight your way through.

Walking into my math class I look around. Walking over to the teacher I hand him the slip the office gave me to get signed. When he finishes signing it he hands me a book and points to a desk in the middle. There is a girl seated at the desk. I can't see her face though. As I sit down she turns to me. I stare at her for a minute. She looks almost identical to Sabik. I finally found out his name at the end of zero block when I asked the teacher. I shake my head and smile at her.

"hello, my name is Chaz," I say as I stretch my hand out.

She grabs my hand and shakes it, "hello Chaz, my name is Skye. Are you new here?"
"Yeah, it's my first day," I say smiling.

"wow, we don't get many transfer students." she says smiling.

I smile back at her and slightly shake my head. I must be seeing things. This sweet girl cannot look like Sabik. I turn back to the front of the class. We go over stuff that I learned last month at my old school. So instead of taking notes I zone out. Thinking of the cute boy from zero block. His pitch black hair that is past his ears. The way his glasses framed his bluish-green eyes. I look over at the girl and notice her eyes are a darker shade. Maybe she is related to Sabik. Her hair is black, but it isn't as dark.

Looking back at my book I notice a note sitting on top. When did someone put that there? Glancing around I open the note. I read over it. Apparently Skye put it there. She is wondering what is on my mind. I write that I am just thinking of a person I met in zero block. Sliding the paper back to her I notice her face falls a little. I wonder what that is about. I don't have to wait long. She slide the note back. She asks who it was. I don't feel comfortable telling her his name. What if she is his sister? So instead I just right. This boy that I had to sit by. I was nice to him and he was rude.

I hear a squeak come from her. I glance over and she is staring at me. I look down at the paper as she slides it to me. In big letters she asks, You're gay? I look up at her smiling, I nod my head. With that the note passing is done.
I wonder what that was about. I start putting my books in my bag before the bells rings. Skye taps my shoulder. I turn to look at her and see her smiling.

"So who was it? Maybe I can help you out," she says.
Feeling confused I ask, "what do you mean?"
"Silly, which boy was it? I know everyone in school and I know there aren't that many people that have zero block. So which class is it," she says.

Looking away for a second before saying, "It's AP Englsih."
"Oh my goodness, you have a class with my twin brother," she says smiling.

"Wait you are related to Sabik," I ask quickly.

Laughing she says, "yeah, we are two of the Baker Triplets. We are known throughtout the entire school and town."

I feel my cheeks burn, I have a crush on one of the cool kids. This is not good. I guess he is straight then. I mean a guy as cute as him has to have a girlfriend. Just the thought of him having a girlfriend makes me mad.

"Oh, is that who it was? Was he mean to you? He can be a total jerk even for a nerd," she says.

Wait, nerd? Nerds are not amond the cool kids. Is it that they are known just because they are triplets. I mean that doesn't happen very often.

"No it's okay. I had to bother him about copying some of his notes," I explain.

Her eyes grow huge, "you asked to borrow his notes? Oh wow, I understand now. You see, he doesn't like to help anyone if they can't do anything themselves."

Listening to her explain, I say, "well thankfully he let me borrow the page I needed."

"Wait what! He actually let you use them? He never does that," she says surprised, "wow. Anyway what do you have after this?"

she grabs my schedule and reads over it, "cool we have the same lunch . Other than that we don't have any other classes together."

Well that sucks, she seems to be really nice. I glance down at my schedule. When do I go to lunch?

When the bell rings Skye asks, "so you ready to go eat?"

I grab my stuff and walk with her to the lunch room.

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