chapter 2

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(until I say its someone else it is ashleys point of view)

next day
"wake up girls" I woke up hearing someone scream. ugh, can't he just shut the fuck up? "why so early" I a sked. "because you girls need to get dressed" jack said winking at me. he walked over me and whispered in my ear "wear something sexy". oowh I can anoy him with this. I putted on something simple (picture above) and waited for the rest to be done. we were all done and zach came in. "you all ready" he asked. we all said "yes" and he took us downstairs. when jack saw me walking down the stairs he gave m a death glare. once I was completely down he walked towards me. "I thought I said to dress sexy" he said looking angry and annoyed. goal acomplished. I smiled to myself. "let's go otherwise we are gonna be late" corbyn said. we walked towards the van and I winked towards the other girls to let them know the plan starts now. "I wanna sit next to jack" I said smiling. he smiled at me. "okey, you need to sit on my lap then cause there is not gonna be enough space otherwise." he said. I fake smiled and sat on his lap. "sure" I said while doing so. the girls did there part to. "girls can we trust you enough to let you shop using our creditcards?" jack asked. "of course you can" I said and I kissed his cheek. ughh, I hate this plan but I know it's gonna work so I'm just gonna go through with it. "okey, great. we will be at starbucks." corbyn said. we walked into the mall and walked all the way towards the other exit and walked out. we needed to be careful though because we all didn't know where the starbucks was. we walked towards the nearest house and asked if he could give us a ride and luckily he wanted to. we hopped inside his car and he drove us to diana her house. we thanked the man and got inside quickly. she luckily still had her house key. "nobody is home, great" diana said smiling. we were all very happy the plan worked but I was very confused. how could it be so easy. "who else thinks this was way to easy?" jo asked. "I do, why would they be so stupid to actually let us shop alone without checking on us." they all agreed. "this was way to easy, would you guys think it was some sort of test?" I asked.  

jack pov 

we walked towards starbucks and sat at an table. "so what will the punishment be?" I asked, we didn't know for sure they would escape but I knew they were going to escape. "we don't know if they are gonna escape, jack just relax" corbyn agreed on daniel but I knew it was different. I ckecked my phone and traced ashley her phone. they weren't in the mall anymore. "I knew it, they aren't here anymore." I said. oowh they're fucked if we find them. 

ashley pov 

I was just watching a video on my phone. "no ash turn it off right now." jo said grabbing my phone and turning it off. "what, why?" I asked confused as fuck. "jack can trace your phone that is why we turned ours off and got the battery out, we can't be found now we got so far." diana was right. I grabbed my phone back and threw it at the wall. "okay that was not needed at all" diana laughed. "I know but I always wanted to tthrow it at a wall, so I did." I said explaining myself. it was weird after just a day I saw them as my best friends. "does anybody know where to go bc the probably know where we are!?" I asked. "I know something, we just need a car they will never find us there" "I know someone with a car, so jo I just need the adress" I grabbed diana her phone and turned gps off, I dialed the number and the phone ringed. thank god he answered the phone. "hey jake. can erica pick me and some friends up we are in big trouble. we got kidnapped. we escaped but they know where we are" I said explaining our situation. "yeah of course. if you want you girls can live in the team 10 mansion we got one big spare rooms and girls can share right?" jake asked. "yes. thank you so much. I love you bye. " I hunged up after telling the adress and told everything to the girls. 

a while later

we heard a car horn and walked outside seeing the team 10 bus, we al got inside and erica brought us to the mansion. "thank you so much erica, I owe you big time." "ey no problem, when we are back I will show you girls to your rooms just decide who sleeps with who in the room" she said smiling through the front mirror. "I share with jo"I yelled through the bus. we just got so close we litterly became best friends.


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