In the moon-lit darkness of the apartment, Light can just barely make out the crouching figure of the raven-haired detective, who hadn't even bothered to turn away from the computer screen when Light had called out to him.
"I get that he doesn't like to sleep, but this is getting ridiculous." Light groans to himself inwardly. Instead of voicing these thoughts though, he merely rubs his eyes against the glare of the computer screen-even though L always kept it on the lowest brightness-and says "Your typing is keeping me awake."
"Mhmm..." L's only response is an absent hum.
"And I'd really like to get some sleep." Light tries again.
"If I pass out on you tomorrow then it's your fault."
"Also, I figured that I would tell you that tomorrow I'm going to reveal to the entire police force that I'm Kira."
Finally, at this, L pauses his consistent typing and clicking long enough to raise his head and look at light.
"So your saying that I am 100% correct about my assumption of you being Kira? And if this conversation were perhaps being recorded, you realize that that would also be considered a confession?"
'If you can really call this a conversation.' Light thinks. "Oh, so you ARE listening?" He flops back on the bed in exasperation and sends a slight glare at L, who merely looks at him blankly, chewing lightly on his thumb
"Well of course Light-kun. It would be irresponsible of me not to, considering there is at least a 36% chance that you will say some crucial piece of information in your sleep. There is also a 40% chance that you will release some sort of embarrassing or horrifying fact about yourself in your nightly ramblings." L responds, his eyes glancing back at the computer, but Light regains his attention with a shake of their shackles.
"Are you saying I talk in my sleep? Because I most certainly do not." He takes on a defensive, if not slightly cautious tone.
"Of course you do Light-kun. I can 100% guarantee you that I have heard you do so at least once nightly."
"Well that could be an issue..." Light murmurs to himself. When he notices the curious look L gives him, he merely shakes his head and continues, "But that's besides the point. Why won't you at least try to go to sleep? Your constant clattering is driving me crazy. And it's not exactly as if I can move away." He holds up his wrist with the cuff on it. Already he had to move a pillow to the end of the bed and very nearly tear the blanket off the bed to get it untucked and over himself.All because L wouldn't sleep, and even refused to move to the proper side of the bed.
"This investigation is very important Light-kun. I would like to continue in my searching for as long as physically possible. Though," L pauses and tilts his head back to stare at the ceiling, "if you would just admit that you are Kira, we wouldn't have to be stuck together like this.
"I've already told you, I'm not- ugg! Screw it. If you really decide to stay up until you drop, knowing you, it could be days before you pass out, and I can't deal with that. Unlike you, I need rest nightly. I'd rather not end up with those panda eyes of yours."
"Panda eyes..?" Light's remark seems to confuse poor, indeed, panda-eyed L. Slowly, he reaches up and places a few fingers under his left eye, as if he could somehow feel the rings that had formed around his after his years of lacking proper sleep.
"Yes L, you tend to become quite the sight when you don't allow your body time to rest and relax. So do us both a favor and give it a rest for the night?"
Double L 7
FanfictionBeing chained to somebody isn't exactly an ideal situation. Especially when the person you're chained to is the one person on the planet who could destroy your entire life. Literally. Yet Light Yagami finds himself stuck in that exact situation. An...