•Chapter 9

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Allyson just informed me that I would actually be traveling with the team, as they head to LA to play the Clippers, and Lakers.

She said it would give me an opportunity to experience different players, and get accustomed to different atmospheres.

As a journalist, especially a sports journalist you're never just one place. There are 30 teams I'm pretty sure a lot of the journalist are in multiple places. Not at once of course

I can't wait to tell Ben the news. I stayed to 6 just like he said, so we could ride together.

"Hey Ben," I said as we walked side by side to his car.

"Oh! You don't care about the now paparazzi?" He questioned.

"Why that tone? And no it is dark out." I said as we continued to walk to his car.

He didn't answer me so I brushed it off. "Anyways I have good news."

"What!" He said in a very harsh tone.

"Well excuse me sour Sally, but whatever happened to you today isn't my problem. So don't take it out on me."

"I'm sorry," Ben huffed as we made it to a red light. He ran his hands down his face. "What's the good new?"

"Well now that you seem so interested, I'm traveling with the team to LA. That's amazing right?"

"Yup. It is the best."

We kept driving. Soon I realized he didn't take the expressway to his house.

"You don't want to stop by your house?" I questioned giving him a wink.

He looked at me. "For what?"

"You know," I said touching the brim of his pants.

I won't lie Ben dick was GREAT!!! It all happened last week and I wouldn't mind it happening again.


"You just want me to say it." I rolled my eyes.

"Say what Khaliah?"

"You want me to say I want some dick. Gosh!"

He let out a laugh. "Nawl I'm not giving you nothing."

"Whyyy???" He was basically making me plead.

"Cause' I'm not in the mood."

Before I knew it we were in front of my dorm.

"You're not telling me something."

"I'm telling you everything." He said.

"Well whatever Ben bye."

He just nodded as I got out and drove off. He didn't even say bye back to me.

This is going to be a long as road trip to Los Angeles if he continues to act like this.


I sped off as fast as I could. Lord knows everything in my body wanted to jump at the fact that Khaliah wanted to fuck.

But, I just couldn't. She already had my mind in millions of places. The last thing I would do is turn down sex.

I just got to get my brain right first.

Bro we need to talk
Delivered 7:07

Yo wassup

You remember shorty I was telling you about? Well I'm fucked bro.

What!? She got a man and caught y'all having sex?

Lmao💀 nope. But she got me pussy whipped bro. I fucked one time and she got me going crazy. I need some advice no gay shit.

Advice? On the road trip fuck the baddest bitch you come across. To get yo mind off ole' girl pussy you need to get some new pussy.

I read over his message. Baddest bitch you come across.

Ight bro. 💪Stay up broski.

I began to pack for the 2 game road trip. Man I wish I was still in high school.

When I could just roll up and smoke me a nice one. Now I can't, my career matters entirely to much. Cause a nigga stressed.

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