Decided to make a part 2 whoop! There is own going to two parts to this. So it gonna end here so hope you enjoy.
Once again sorry for mini Supernatural references and some spoilers too. I'm sorry Supernatural is my shit right now.
------------------------------------------------------~1 month later~
"What's up bitches." You smiled sadly at your laptop screen. Charlie your favorite female character on show was back. It was around season 8 but your completely caught up in the series. You know that she'll die later down the road. Reason for your sad smile. Hugging your Castiel plush. Yes you still had it it went together with your Dean and Sam plush. Of course every time you had it you thought of him.
Since that day you ignored the two completely. Aphmau found it funny and made her 'friends' go off to found you in anyway. Just to push you into the lockers or shove you in a bathroom stall. Laughing and teasing you in your face. Making her stupid idiotic comments. Before you would talk down to her and get her annoyed. Now you'll just stay quiet and rarely talked down to her.
As for Laurance you dare not once give him satisfaction. You ignored him completely from this. He broke your heart and he doesn't deserve see you in a horrible state. First and second week he knock on your door constantly after class and later before you went to 'bed'. You just covered your ears from his pleading and knocking. The first week you cried everyday and did trash you dorm. Just a bit of throwing papers and deadpan into your pillow. That was it before you 'got over it'.
You sighed it was 5:45 am you just stayed up all night watching Supernatural...again... You have a class in 15 minutes. Hating this class because both Aphmau and Laurance were in this class. You bet Aphmau was probably going to show up late or not come at all. You got up from your chair at your desk. Turning off your laptop and gently placing Castiel on the bed next the the Winchester brothers. "See you later bitches." You quoted the character Charlie when she leaves in every episode. Then your out the door.
You were your drama class patiently waiting for the professor to come in. You just got on time yet it was a small class only 20 students. Barely half of the class would come on time. So you were still considered a early bird. Sitting in the front of the class to get a good view. Also that all the 'cool kids' sat in back. On your phone not giving a damn of the people walking in. Aphmau walked in with her group noticing you before snickering. "What a loser! Why she even here?" You heard yet you only roll your eyes at them.
Aphmau wasn't satisfied with your reaction so she came to you. Giving a shove on your shoulder. She didn't shove too hard but it did cause you to drop your phone out your hands. Angry you got up in front your face. "What's you damaged!" You shouted quoting Heathers. Didn't care that everyone who was there staring at you and even Laurance who just walked in.
"Listen when I talk to you slut! Are you deaf or something!!?" She shouted. All these weeks you handed her bullshit today you hand enough. "Listen hear don't call me a slut when we both know your one and I'm not! I'm not deaf and and that's offensive to them." You argue back to her. Aphmau was furious she hated that you started acting like yourself again. Couldn't hold herself together. "Why you little-" Aphmau started throwing a punch.
You didn't see it come so you got a punched into the eye. The professor walked in just in time to see Aphmau throw the punch. "Son of a bitch." You groan at the pain in your eye. "Aphmau! Go to the office right now! (Name) you come with me." He shouted dramatically because he is the drama teacher but he was serious. Aphmau trying act like she was victim but he saw what she did so she was wrong either way.
You walked up to the teacher. Who was actually your favorite teacher out of your classes. He was worried and checked your eye seeing if it was alright. It already forming a big dark purple bruise. He told you that today lecture was just a review on last week. That he could let you go back to your dorm. You thanked him and walked off. Everyone in the class was shocked. Laurance gripped his bag and walked to the professor. Asking if he could assist you on your black eye. The professor gave me a look before thinking on it. He sighed before letting Laurance go after you.
He thanked the professor for rushing out the door. You already to your dorm room searching for your keys. As you were about to walk in you were stopped by someone arm. Looking up to see a tired Laurance. You just gave him of your confused Castiel looks you took three whole months to learn. "What do you want?" You were emotionless to him. "Professor Suoh let me come to help you." Laurance said in between breaths. You ignored him but left the door open allowing him in your dorm.
Laurance saw this and walked in. He looked around your dorm he's never been in yours or a girls dorm in general. You had your favorite show posters on the walk, some pictures of friends and family, and your desk in the center of the room. To be honest Laurance expected it to be a bit girly but he was wrong. You got out a ice pack from your mini fridge. Placing it on your eye before looking up at the jerk before saying.
"As you can see I'm okay now leave." You were straightforward giving him a slight bitch face. You learned that from Sam Winchester. Laurance was taken back but regain himself. "(Name) let's talk." Laurance spoke begging. You sighed sitting down on your bed. "You made it perfectly clear a month ago Laurance. I don't need to know the facts I already knew." You reached out for your Supernatural plush for comfort.
Crazy enough you got Castiel you always felt very connected to the character. Laurance saw you get the plush and smile a bit. "Hey you kept the plush I won you." He sat next to you on the bed. Causing you to move away from him. "I kept him because he's a understanding character I love and connect with him. Not because you won it for me. I would of gladly threw it away but I don't want to waste my money." You said yet again straightforward and harsh tone added. Laurance nervously laughs as what you said.
He then grab the Winchester brothers behind. "I'm sure you don't mean that. Who are these guys?" You scoff at him trying to get you talk with him. You steal back your boys (yes you call them that) hugging all together. Accidentally dropping the ice pack from your palm. Before you can reach out to get it Laurance got it before you. He place it gently back onto your eye. You hissed at the pain. "You know what you saw back there wasn't what you thought.." Laurance glances to the side can't really make eye contact. "Oh really it look like you and Aphmau were kissing." You snap back.
"She kissed me (Name) I didn't kiss her. Why would I do that when I was with you." Laurance smiled sadly. "Oh if I was with you then why would you let Aphmau tag along with us?" You kept up your act of not caring. Inside your heart telling you to forgive. "Back then the Aphmau I knew was a sweet, innocent, and kind person. The day we saw you run away I saw her true side," You stayed quiet on hearing him out. Hugging the brothers and the angel tighter.
"She just laughed bitterly and thought it was the best thing in the world." He continued as you start forgiving him. "Of course I confronted her about it but then she quickly pulled a victim character. Calling you a horrible person and that you do things that I know you don't do." You frown at this. Of course Aphmau would try to make Laurance not like you. "What a bitch.." You accidentally said out loud. Laurance just gave you a glance for it before continuing.
"After that she told me off saying you were never gonna want me and I'm too 'out of your league' to be with you. Of course she was wrong but was right as you cut me off for this month." He spoke sadly with his smile dropped. Your heart hurts when you saw it. "I'm just saying (Name) I didn't mean to hurt you." He looked at you. "I'm scared you know? I couldn't face you because I saw Aphmau got her way with you. So I lost hope but like who can blame me." You laughed bitterly.
Laurance set the ice pack to the side before grabbing your cheeks. "Don't ever think that (Name). I would pick you over her any day.. Just forgive me please." He started leaning in you were taken back. "L-Laur--" Your lips connected. You automatically kissed back dropping the plush to the ground. As you ran your hands in his hair. You pulled away with a smile before fall for him. No literally fall onto him probably hurting his back. Still you were so happy. "Thank you Laurance."~Bonus~
"What does Sam Winchester have that I don't." Laurance groans as you both are cuddled up. You both are sitting on the bed in your dorm. Laurance covering you and himself in a blanket while looking at the laptop screen in front of them. "Well he's a tall as fuck and has beautiful hair. Have you seen that smile oh god. Wait unlit you see Castiel and Charlie they're to die for." You told him. A week later you and Laurance are together. All it had to take is you getting a black eye. Which was still there. Lucky you right?
"Very fair I love them a lot just like you." You smiled at him. "Who would of thought me getting a black eye brought us together." You laughed. "Honestly it's a bit surprising but I'm glad it did." Laurance kissed the top of your head.

Aphmau Boys! Scenarios
FanfictionAphmau Boys Scenarios! Normal X Reader Boyfriends Scenarios Fairy Tale! Boys X Reader Open Requests Exclaimer - No Lemons!! No Lime!!! - I can't write lemons / lime - I feel very uncomfortable writing them Next the Boys are : - Aaron - Garr...