_The Beach Day_

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It was not long until Sheila recovered from her injuries. Since there was a few more days till the next match comes up, all of them decided why not go to the beach? The crew can't help but jump up and down when the girls agreed to go, they asked them why but they never told them. The beach is on Florida, which means they get to fly again, this time it's a private jet their going on, talk about classy.

Shu, Valt and Kensuke all woke up before 5:30 AM for some bey training, each of them went separate ways but only Valt and Shu was stuck together like glue, Kensuke decided that he would like to try to work-out a little. Walking to the building that is meant for work-out people, he pushed the glass door aside, inside was nearly empty, no one was here this early after all. Looking at what he could try, he stepped on the treadmill then turned the numbers on. Less than 3 minutes, he heard faint punching sound, like one of those sand bags boxers punch on, fell to the ground. Getting curious, the raven haired boy might want to check out what's going on in there, getting off the machine he jogged to where he thought the noise came from.

After a long moment, he finally found the room, hearing those punching sounds again he slowly opened the door. What he saw was not what he expected.

Sheila was the one punching the bag, her face was a sweat mat, her different colored eyes were starting to grow tired. Kensuke was even more curious, since she was too focused on punching that sand-bag, she didn't even noticed that Kensuke was standing there, looking at her with curiosity. A few moments later when she turned around, she saw the raven boy, her face was blank now. She tried to call for help but, since she was the only one who would wake up this early to go the gym, she was left with a awkward like smile.

'Uhh...hey.' Sheila said awkwardly

'Hey there.' Ker replied

The both of them started out all compromising but soon they did warm up to it, talking ever so friendly to each other, this was rarity for the heterochromia female to talk that close to a boy, so Kensuke would've enjoyed it. When time's almost up, the two walked back to the building to get ready for the awesome beach day, saying 'bye' to each other, both went separate ways.

(Le time skip)

The gang was standing outside the landing pad, waiting for their private jet to come. In America it's pretty chilly, but when you get to Florida it's like summer time, Valt was not good at keeping heat, he kept sneezing here and there, and sometimes shiver at a small whirl of wind. Honcho carried a box of tissues incase Valt gets all snotty, not long after, the box of paper was out, leaving the blunette sneezing over and over again. Shu looked at Valt, there was only one option to this though, shifting closer to Valt, he pulled the boy into a hug, Valt felt this unknown source of warmth pressing on him, Valt turned around to see Shu pulling him close to him, he guessed that Shu saw him sneezing a bit too much. The albino male looked down at his partner and smiled. Now Valt was flustered, he kept stuttering to get the right words out.

Sheila couldn't help but snicker, taking her phone out to snap a pic. The rest of the crew can't help but do the same thing to, minus taking the pics. Finally the jet had appeared in their sight, getting this feeling that they would have to share seats, the jet's door opened to let them in. As a matter of fact, those hunches were right, only 5 seats were on the jet, just their luck.

Those that have been a 'thing' with someone wouldn't mind to share the seats, but for the rest of them...it's going to be...tricky. Honcho offered the seat so he could sit on the ground, but since the ground wasn't attached with a seat belt, he had to share the seats with Jay, Aiko and Sheila was going for the kill for the one seat that wasn't occupied, looking at that particular chair, they were going to sprint there if possible.

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