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“RUUUUUUUN!” Somebody shouted.

And run I did, turning at the first corner while Michael Jones hissed and cursed behind me. I didn’t even have to elbow my way through; the crowd parted to make way. They know a dead animal when they see one.

“WINTEEEEERS!” I heard my future murderer bellow.

I got hold of a door and opened it quickly with shaking hands and banged it shut…only to find myself in the men’s room. They were all staring at me, poker faced.

“Oh, my—I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” I said, covering my eyes with my hands and burning up. “I didn’t mean to, I—“

Krisha?” it was Jordan, I saw. “What are you doing here?”

“Jordan! Thank God—“

“This is the men’s room!”

“Yes, I can see that!” sometimes—no, most of the times, Jordan can be stupid. A painfully handsome one. I used to help him with history and he’s cool to hang out with, dense as he might be. I pulled him closed by the arm, clinging to it like a life support. “Jordan you’ve got to help me.”

He knit his eyebrows. “Are you in some sort of trouble?”

I bit my lip. Jordan’s a nice guy and I wouldn’t want him to get into trouble with Michael Jones. Besides, they’re on the same B-ball team. I held my breath and blurted out, “IpunchedMichaelfuckingJonesinhisfuckingfaceinfrontofeverybodyinthecorridorandITWASN’TMYFAULTBECAUSEHESTARTEDITwiththeriggsthingyandnowhe’sgoingtofuckingkillme you have got to help me, please!”

“YOU DID WHAT?!” the whole room exploded.

“What’d you do that for?” Jordan asked, all the while I had been clutching his arm harder and harder and he didn’t even wince, although his knitted eyebrows never parted.

“No time to explain! I—“

“Where is she, that little piece of shit?” somebody yelled from the other side of the door.

“Ahh, fuck!” I said in a little voice, pulling Jordan with me into a cubicle and standing on the toilet seat, head ducked low, hoping beyond hope that Michael Jones wasn’t that tall. “Just pretend to do your business,” I whispered at Jordan ear, steadying myself on his well built shoulders.

The door banged open for the second time and the whole room was suddenly a cemetery. An awful smell was coming from the cubicle next to us and it was all I could do to keep from gagging. I could feel the tension on my shoulders and held my breath.

“Where is she?” Michael Jones demanded.

“Where’s who?” somebody asked.

There was a thud and a crash. “Shut up, nerd. Someone saw here slip in here, that little shitty bitch.”

Jordan snorted and I almost jumped. “Gee, you hit him real hard.”


“Thanks for the ride, Jordan. I owe you big time.” After the monster-guy had finally given up and stormed out of the men’s room, it took a full five minutes to make Jordan cut classes and leave school. Yeah, I can be a leech when I desperately need help. The guy that Michael Jones had punched turned out to be Luke Films, the guy who had a crush on Rhea, so yeah, I owe him big time too.

                “Don’t mention it,” he said although his face looked so guilty. “Just do me a favor.”

                “Sure,” I grinned.

“Next time you hit someone, make sure he doesn’t get back up.”

“I’ll try,” I chuckled. “Are you going anywhere after this?”

He knit his eyebrows again. “Come to think of it, no... I’ll go home now, I guess.”

                “That’s great. Let’s go at Anne’s, I’ll treat you there.” I left him there before he could protest and slipped into our house. “DAD, I’M HOME!”

There was a series of clanging metal from the kitchen. “WHY SO EARLY?”

Yes, conversations around here are composed of mostly yelling. “Last day of school, they decided to let us go early.” I lied easily.

“Oh.” Dad’s face peered from the kitchen door. He had an apron on that read, “most okayest Dad” and he was smudged with flour, one hand clinging on a cooking book. His thick eye-glasses also had a thin layer of flour on it. “okay.” He went back inside.

“Going out for Anne’s.” I said, climbing up the stairs, two at a time.


“JORDAN!” I yelled back, putting on a black and blue striped long sleeves and pulling my hair up into a bun on top of my head.


“JORDAN, THE GUY WHO OWNS THE CAR YOU LIKE!” I pulled on pants and sneakers. Such fashion. Very wow.

“OH THAT GUY.”  Dad’s not very good with names. He’s not good with faces either. But if he likes something about you, he’ll definitely remember you.

I ran back downstairs yelling goodbye to him. when I got back on Jordan’s car he stared at me stupidly. “Who’re—oh, it’s you, Krisha!”

“Yes, and you’re Jordan, right?” I said sarcastically.

“I thought you had an older sister or something.” He said, driving his way to Anne’s Café, still stealing glances at me as if making sure I wasn’t somebody else.

I made a face. “Do I look that different? I just pulled up my hair.”

“Yeah, that’s the first time I saw you like that.”

I was suddenly aware of how messily I dressed up. Jordan was a nice guy, but sometimes he just blurts out stuff that makes me uncomfortable. I began changing the radio station just to do something.  Until I came to a song I like.

…I wanna hide the truth, I wanna shelter you

But with the beast inside, there’s nowhere we can hide

No matter what we breed, we still are made of greed

This is my kingdom, come

This is my kingdom, come

Of course, I sang my lungs out with the chorus, what’d you expect?

“You like rock bands?” Jordan asked.

I stopped and thought about that. “Well, not really like like bands, like obsessive fan girl type… I guess.  I just really like their songs.”

Jordan smiled. “Why are you smiling, creep?” I asked.


“Fine, I’ll change the station,” Jeez, I don’t even know the band name.

Baby, lock them doors and turn them light down low~

“What the fu—“

“Shut up, Jordan!

Put some music on that’s soft and slow

Baby, we ain’t got no place to go

I hope you understand!”

Jordan was grinning like hell. He shook his head. “You are so weird.”

“Thanks, I’ll take that as a compliment.”


Hey, guys Maximus here! Sorry if i upload the next chapters so late, and if the story is so noob haha. anyways, feel free to critisize it with you suggestions, comments, violent reaction or whatever. ohoho~ potato? ------Maximus

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