Chapter 2 Part 2:Truth...

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Queen and Roko are on a plane that is going to Japan because they want to destroy Joker's treasure.But just in time Joker and Hachi came.
Queen:Joker I have been expecting you.(I still did not forget that you kiss me you big idiot)
Joker:Yeah and I am going to show you the truth of your chilfhood life.(I actually like it though hehe :) )
Then Joker take out a little bag full of magic dust.
Queen:You think a little bag is gonna stop me Joker.
Joker:Well..... Yeah of course (blows the magic dust to Queen's face)
Then only Joker and Queen are transported back to the past leaving Hachi and Roko in the present.
Hachi:So Mr Joker left me with Miss Queen's pet dog?
Roko:I am a magic dog to be correct,(Roko suddenly spoke to Hachi)
Hachi:Ahhhh!!!!A talking dog! (Hachi dramatically faints)
Roko:Oh boy.....
Queen's POV
Where am I ....Then she look around to see she is in a big castle and she was surprised to see a portrait of her when she was a baby along with her parents.Joker came in later to even surprise Queen with a BOO!!!
Queen:You faggot dont do that
Joker:Yeah sorry whatever....
Queen:You did not change at all your still the same like your were as a kid.Tell me where did you bring or I will kill you now!
Joker:Oh this place .....I just brought back to the past so you can see the truth of who is right and who is wrong.
End of chapter 2 part 2

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