Chapter 3 Part 1 :Now I know

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Queen:In the past......what do you mean in the past?!
Joker:I mean that I brought you back in time when you were a baby and your parents were alive and how Master saved you....You know what just take a look for yourself.
Queen:I dont want to look I know who killed my parents. I am not stupid dont use me!(She started to cry in confusion)
Silver Heart (In the past) POV
Now my plan is to steal a valuable treasure from this castle.Although my real wish is not to hurt anybody I still gonna take anybody who came in my way.
Queen and Joker both listen to what Silver Heart said and Queen feel anger in her.She wanted to kill Silver Heart.But she realized she cant do anything.Then she grabbed Joker by the collar and forcefully ask him why.
Queen:Why is this happening to me!? Why cant I do anything !?
Joker:Now that is not a way to treat boys! :')
Queen:Answer me now !
Joker:This dust only let us be in the past.But nobody in the past will notice us and we cant do anything to the people in the past. That means you gotta keep your fucking mouth shut and just look OK!!!!(I went to far......)
Joker:(Grabs Queen's hand and kisses it softly) Please.....
Queen:•/////////• Ok but dont do that again please
Joker:Hehe Ok :) :)
Silver Heart was looking for the treasure he was amazed that nobody came to stop him.He gladly took the treasure with him and walk away.But to his unknown the castle was on fire and the King and Queen were laying on the floor with blood all over them.He was shocked.Because before that.Professor Clover wanted to steal the same treasure but was stop by the King who was Queen's dad.But unfortunately Clover used his claws to and hurted the King .He also did other brutally thing to the King and Queen before killing everybody else and setting the kingdom on the fire and leaving with the treasure with no guilt in him.Silver Heart did not know what to do.Then he heard a sound of a crying baby girl who was Queen when she was younger.Queen's mother told Silver Heart to save their daughter and just run away but Silver Heart wanted to save them as well the said it was fine.As long as their daughter is okay.Then Silver Heart but to took their daughter and escape from the burning kingdom.He watch in fear as the kingdom burn to the ground along with people in it.He did not know what to do.Then he look into young Queen's eyes that were diamonds.He instantly decided to adopt her and love her like his own grand daughter.He decided to change her name from "Queen Emerald" to "Diamond Queen" and not to tell her that she used to be a princess and that her parents are no longer alive because she would be hurt. He decided to take of her deeply and not let anybody hurt her especially Professor Clover. With that the past ends.Joker and Queen both watch the past and really understand everything now. Joker with a shocked face and Queen with a red face with tears of diamonds falling from her eyes to her cheeks. The only she could murmur was "Now I know" and hugged Joker ang gave him a kiss on his cheek. Saying "Thank you" and "Sorry". As they both slowly go back to the present.
End of chapter 3 Part 1

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