lovesick yesterdays

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I remember how you had a smile that warmed the sun and a glacè soul that made me bow in devotion to a salvation so sickeningly beautiful; your salvation.
I remember the rose buds that were caught between the lashes of your eyes and I remember how I would kiss them every sunrise so they'd bloom into a garden that you'd find yourself drifting in endlessly when you slept.
I remember how you used to soak your arteries in honey lime milk for the bluebirds that danced in the hollow of your heart to drink from,
I remember how you said I was your star and I would cry myself asleep because I knew you called someone else your sky,
I remember seeing you pick out a rose from the garden I grew for you and give it to your sky and I remember drowning in your honey lime milk because you said that you'd never share our garden with anyone else and I remember you saying you never lied,
I remember how happy you looked with your sky and I remember the apricot sun patting me on the shoulder as she too was upset because she wasn't as warm as she used to be,
and I remember how your velvet fingertips used to feel upon my skin but now when your hand holds mine it no longer feels as soft as i had remembered,
and I remember that laced white dress that was covered in stains of my love, but you've washed away the stains and now the dress is no longer a pure white, but a murky grey, similar to the fog that's built a home in my soul and in which I can no longer seem to see from,
but I'm glad because I can no longer see you with your sky and I now know that those rose buds were not between your lashes but amongst my lips, so i hope you realise that the next time you wish upon a star I will no longer be there for you to call me your lover.

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