Start the End

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Lisa threw the pink picture frame inside the garbage bag before finally closing it. She looked around her small room, inspecting the nooks and crannies for anything she might’ve missed. Nothing. Everything had been disposed of, every memory considered gone. She heaved a sad sigh before carrying the bag outside, letting it slump against their garbage can. It was still a cold morning, but she wanted to complete her chores. Especially the one chore she’d been putting off.

Something caught her eye as she stared at their mailbox. Lisa pulled out the long white envelope that had been sticking out and read the address twice. She blinked furiously, and read it once more, obviously in disbelief. She quickly tore it open and scanned the contents of the letter. Her brown eyes looked confused for a minute, and she stared into the distance as if remembering something. A wide smile formed on her pink lips and she hurriedly ran back to her house, waiving the envelope in the air.

“Mom! Mom! Look at what I got in the mail!” she thrust the letter to her mother’s surprised face in the kitchen.

“A good news so early in the morning? Wow…what’s this about?” she smiled lovingly at her daughter as she took the letter.

“Just read it” ordered Lisa, still in high spirits.

Just like her daughter, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion at first, but then gleamed with delight as she finished reading. Lisa squealed and they embraced each other, truly excited about the news inside the mysterious letter. When they parted, Lisa inhaled sharply before she spoke.

“Can I, mother? I-I know I’ll be in another state and all, but I’ll visit every month if I have to”

Her mother didn’t speak for a while as she looked at Lisa, her eyes shining with pride.

“This opportunity comes once in a lifetime. I don’t see why I should be in your way. Besides, Harvard is where you really do belong…” she tucked a strand of hair behind her daughter’s ear as a sign of approval.

Lisa embraced her mother again and thanked her. Soon, they were eating breakfast inside their small kitchen, the scent of coffee permeating the air. As Lisa chewed on her toast, she couldn’t help but think of Jasper. She frowned a bit as images of him flashed before her mind. A nagging thought seemed to bother her, but she smiled and brushed it away; choosing instead to dwell in the bright future ahead of her.


“…In honor of our dear alumna, Carlisle Evans, and our beloved Student Council President, Alice Molina, let us give a minute of silence to pay our respects. They have each served this academy well – with their courage and loyalty, we shall never forget them. Rest assured, the culprits responsible shall be apprehended in due time and their deaths shall be avenged. I, and the entire academy committee, shall not rest until we give them justice”

There was no applause, only bowed heads. Principal Gunther Price scanned the mass of students – a red and blue rose pinned on their school uniforms - and felt pleased. His eyes automatically searched the sea of sad faces for the ones he was most wary of, and found the handful of students who were staring back at him with hateful eyes. Gunther prevented himself from smiling, but let the side of his mouth curve into a sarcastic sneer. He felt powerful. The chilly winds that blew was only one of the signs that everything was now in his favor. The future was bright – and he had everything he wanted at the palm of his hands.

The only thing missing is the boy…

The thick gray clouds partially covered the sun, casting dark shadows on the ground as they passed. But like a sliver of hope, Jasper watched the weak rays of sunlight reflect upon the shiny black caskets on top of the stage. They have gathered once again at the wide open field at the heart of the academy – but this time, not to celebrate. He watched as his schoolmates kept their heads bowed to show respect; some even wiping a tear or two. Jasper caught Marko’s eye a few feet away, and they both nodded to each other. The rest of the S.A. department kept their heads held high like Jasper, refusing to submit themselves to the lie before them.

After the short ceremony, the students dispersed and Principal Gunther Price was escorted into a black limousine, which drove off in a hurry. Although everyone had gone back to their dormitories, Jasper kept standing in the middle of the vast field. Soon enough Gail, Coco, Kat and Barbara joined him. They looked at him worriedly as he toyed with the red and blue roses in his hand.

She’s alive. I know she is…” he told his friends after a long time.

“Indeed she is”

They all turned around at the sound of the familiar voice, and found Marko with the other S.A. members. Jasper locked eyes with him, both their faces solemn. Hana tugged at Jasper’s shirt and he crouched down to pick her up.

Nii-san…where is she…?” she whispered the question to him before burying her head on the curve of his neck.

Coco put a hand on Jasper’s shoulder, a strange sort of silence surrounding them all.

I made a lot of promises, I’m afraid. And I’m going to need your help with them” said Jasper in a low voice so only they could hear him. 

“If you’re serious about this, we need to be prepared for the worst. What we’re about to do…it might be the start of something we’re not ready to face yet” warned Marko, his eyes boring into Jasper’s brown ones.

Kat and Gail exchanged looks, while Wes and Charlie cautiously watched their surroundings. They spotted two Keepers a long way off, observing them from behind the library’s large columns. Jasper and Marko somehow felt the unwelcomed presence as they both turned their heads toward the two Keepers. Jasper glared at them, hugging little Hana tighter. They were quiet for what seemed like a long time.

If it’s for her, I’m ready to face anything…” said Jasper as he frowned, never letting his eyes off the intruders.

A strong gust of wind blew their way, but they all stood straighter in defiance. Not one of them knew exactly what they were up against – or with whom. But what they do know, is they needed to stay together. Somewhere, out in the cruel world, a friend needed saving.

And Time was ticking fast. 

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