II: The Agreement

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Mr. McCurdy was sweating inside his expensive gray suit, but he didn’t care. He kept pacing the empty hallway of the private hospital where his wife and son were transferred after the accident. Lisa was sitting quietly on one of the many chairs beside the white walls, clutching her phone in her hands.

After a hurried glance at the clock, he wiped a drop of sweat from his brow. He’d received a call just minutes after the accident and had ordered his wife and son be driven to this private hospital. He knew several doctors here – he’s confident they’d be able to help his family. Why all this uncertainty then?

Now it’s been two hours already and no sign of a doctor. In his mind flashed images of a sleek, black limousine, men in dark suits, and a handsome young man with intense gray eyes. He frowned and put his hands behind him, thinking.

Finally, two doctors came out. Both he and Lisa approached them.

“Your son is safe, Mr. McCurdy. He just needed a few stitches at the back of his head, that’s all” said the first doctor, taking off his wet gloves.

Lisa and Eugene both heaved a huge sigh of relief and she sat back down to say a quick prayer of thanks.

The second doctor removed his mask but looked troubled.

“However…your wife…”

“How is she? What about her?”

The two doctors exchanged looks before the second one spoke again.

“She suffered some fractures to her skull and there was also some internal hemorrhage to her brain. She’s alive…but we need to watch her closely”

Mr. McCurdy’s eyes looked at them with despair, his eyes pleading. The first doctor cleared his throat before anyone else got a word in. Moving closer to him, he whispered:

“She doesn’t have to die, Mr. McCurdy…”

Eugene’s eyes were wide in horror as he realized something. He stood frozen where he was, even after the two doctors bid him goodbye and walked off. Lisa, puzzled, stood up and put a hand on his shoulder.

“Mr. McCurdy…are…you alright…?” she looked up in his gray eyes worriedly.

It took him a minute before he could compose himself and his thoughts. He gave a gruff cough and tried to smile as he turned to face her.

“I’m sorry Lisa, but could you stay here and be with my family for a few hours? I’ll be back later. I need to…take care of something” his eyes looked afraid, so he stroked the top of her head to reassure her.

“Of course…Mr. McCurdy” she replied, hesitatingly.

He smiled again and almost ran to the doors at the end of the hallway. As his footsteps died, Lisa’s shoulders dropped. She felt happy that Jasper was doing fine and is now safe, but she felt that something was amiss. What did the doctors tell him about his wife?, she asked herself.

She peered into the small glass window, wanting a glimpse of her boyfriend when the door suddenly opened. She backed up in surprise as a tall, but obviously younger doctor stepped out. He had the bluest eyes she’d ever seen. Lisa felt entranced.

“Who are you?” the doctor looked as surprised as she was.

“I’m…uh, I’m the patient’s girlfriend….” she said after a short pause.

The young doctor didn’t seem to be in a hurry as he studied her face. He smiled and Lisa thought she might swoon. Strange, he looks just a little over my age – maybe twenty?, she thought.

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