Mermaid Magic

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There were two ways to deal with grief when you were a Willaims. It either consumed you and left you wallowing in self-pity or it fueled you and the pain got hidden behind anger. Maya had always favored the latter, the first option only happening on rare occasions. The girl hated feeling weak and pathetic, especially since her supernatural revelations that left her fearing for her family's safety. Strength was the only thing in the world that she wanted to feel in that moment. Not sorrow or heartbreak, the anger was going to fuel the strength that she longed to achieve.

So when Peter once again appeared to harass her, the girl took a different approach. Instead of cowering away from the monster plaguing her thoughts, she was going to face him head on. No more running away and no more hiding. Being weak would be a thing of the past.

"Ah Maya, you don't look as terrified of me as usual."

Peter's eyes flashed their deadly, blood red color. Maya steeled her nerves and swallowed whatever fear was threatening to break free. No more being afraid, she was sick and tired of being afraid.

"You said I need to learn control." She stated, meeting his dangerous gaze. "So teach me how to be in control."

His eyes returned to their normal color as Peter let out a laugh. The mocking sound made Maya frown. "So the little fish finally wants my help." Her bed creaked under his weight as he sat down.

"Quit being an ass Hale. Are you going to teach me or not?" Maya demanded, shifting to cross her arms. Even after asking for his help, the games and taunts never ceased.

"We already tried Maya, but you were rather..." He paused, tapping a claw against his chin as he searched for the word. "Unreceptive."

"You pushed me into a lake and then gave me a monologue about accepting the 'gift' you gave me. How exactly were you teaching me anything?"

Peter laughed again. He leaned back into the many pillows decorating the bed, getting comfortable. "My bad, I figured that you just had a natural talent for your powers. Most mermaids just kind of stumble upon them, but I guess with you we'll actually have to try."

Maya cocked her head to the side in confusion. On top of the orange, scaly tail sprouting after touching water, mermaids had magical powers? Even with all of the crazy supernatural things she had witnessed, that was rather hard to believe. There was doubt in her eyes, a look Peter noticed rather quickly. He gestured to the cup of water that had been left on top of the desk over in the corner of the room.

"Do I have to grow a tail for these powers to work or something?" Maya raised the cup in her hand, ready to pour it out on herself.

"You really are a clueless one, aren't you?" Peter huffed out in annoyance. "Don't pour the water out. That's what you're going to practice with."

She set the cup back down, regarding it with confusion. The crystal clear liquid rippled slightly from the vibrations that accompanied being put down on the wooden surface. It was rather entrancing to watch, like it was slowly drawing her in.

"I want you to concentrate on the water, do you feel it calling to you?" Maya nodded her head distractedly, not letting her gaze be pulled away from the water by Peter's words. "Good, let it guide you. Mermaids are deeply connected to the water..."

It was like being hypnotized, slowly losing awareness of everything except the cup. The room and Peter seemingly faded out of existence as Maya stared into the liquid completely entranced. A gentle tug, reminiscent of the tide, swept through her body. The calming feeling soothed every nerve in her body, taking away all of the pain and anger she had bottled up. Without even meaning to, her hand rose up to reach out towards the cup. Tendrils of water followed the movement of her had, beckoned forth from the container by the mermaid. Maya snapped out of her daze, completely shocked by what had just happened. With her lapse in concentration and the connection lost, the stream of water fell to the floor and soaked the carpet. Luckily enough for Maya, she had managed to jump back and avoid getting wet.

"Bravo," Peter clapped lazily. "maybe you aren't a lost cause after all."

Maya raised her now shaking hands to be at level with her face. She twisted them around, looking for something different about them. But they looked as they always had. "Did I really do that?" She questioned softly, still in awe of what she had witnessed.

"And you'll be capable of so much more once I'm done with you, Maya." He grinned darkly, something Maya hadn't seen since her back was to him. "This was just the first lesson of many."

Letting her hands fall back to her sides, Maya turned around. There was more determination in her eyes than earlier. She liked the power she felt as the water bended to her will, it made her finally feel that strength she had been longing for. A spark had been lit and Maya didn't want to stop fanning the flames. "What's next?"

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