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Maya sighed in content as she floated, relishing in the cold water surrounding her. It had been a day since she had left behind her friends and the problems that seemed to follow them everywhere. This was the most quiet she'd enjoyed in days. Though now that she had finally obtained her peace and quiet, it just bored the girl.

She blinked her green eyes, drawing her gaze away from the sky to look at the ghost sitting on the ground watching her intently. Peter Hale was smiling and it was the happiest Maya had ever seen the dead werewolf.

"What's got you in such a good mood?" She asked, her voice rather bitter with the boredom starting to eat away at her.

The werewolf skipped a rock along the surface of the lake, just barely missing hitting Maya's tail. "Everything is finally starting to come together. All of my plans working out perfectly." He grinned, flashing his canines.

"Well stop it. It's creeping me out."

Peter chuckled at the annoyance in her tone. "Bored are we, Maya?"

"What gave me away?"

"It is your nature, my dear, sirens thrive on chaos. There's a desire to cause mayhem burning in your soul and the only way to satisfy that craving is to give in."

Maya blinked again, mulling over the words in her head. They sounded oddly familiar to her, as if she'd heard them before. Those words were stuck in her brain, playing over and over again like a broken record. "Give in....I just have to give in."

When she looked over to the shore once again, Peter had vanished. That was a common occurrence now. He was there and then he wasn't, coming and going as he pleased. But Peter was the only person Maya could honestly stand right now...the only person that cared about her. There was a strange feeling in her now- an emptiness. Though it felt natural, almost as if she was meant to stop feeling, to stop caring.

"Chaos." She mused out loud. She raised her hand from the water, calling forth a column of water with her movement. The water twisted and turned to match the motions being made. Then after a moment Maya grinned and froze it. "Sounds like fun."

She swung her arm, making the pillar of ice shatter into thousands of shards. The crystals floated around her, bobbing up and down in the waves she inadvertently created. It was exactly what she planned: destroy something and watch them scatter around trying to pick up the pieces.


The hunter had his gun drawn as he walked through the Preserve. Everyone was on edge and being extra cautious as they looked for the Whittemore kid. He was dangerous...but he wasn't the most dangerous thing the hunter would be forced to deal with.

"Who's there?" He called out when a branched snapped nearby. There was no response, not that he really expected to get one.

A feminine laugh sounded from behind. The man turned around, frantically searching for whatever was hiding in the shadows. Beads of sweat were starting to form on his brow, accompanying the unease that was overcoming him. Another branch snapped to his left and he whipped around, once again seeing nothing but the swaying tree branches.

"Behind you."

He jumped at the soft voice that had whispered to him. But when he turned around, there was nothing there. His heartbeat was pounding in his ears as the adrenaline flooded his system. Palms slick with sweat, the man tightened his grip on the gun as he tried to calm his erratic breathing.

"Are you afraid?" The feminine voice asked teasingly.

"Show yourself."

"Alright," The voice responded sweetly. "but you're probably going to regret asking that."

Creatures ~ Jackson Whittemore [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now