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YEAR 2015

The sound of seagulls playing around the sky woke me up from my deep slumber. I slowly opened my eyes letting the summer breeze coming in from the balcony doors hit my face. I can hear the ocean waves teasing the shoreline. I can feel the heat of the sun that gives hope for a brand new day.

I slowly got out of my sheets twisting my hips and setting my feet down on the hard wood floor. My arms stretched upwards releasing all the tension in my backbone. Damn, that was one of the best sleep I had in a long time. As I stood up facing the balcony, the sun greeted me again with warmer rays now hitting my whole body. The white curtains were dancing along with the breeze of the wind.

“Hello.” I addressed to the open air. Not really sure who I was greeting. Maybe it was the sun, or the gift of a new day.

Another gush of air hit me as if replying back. My lips twitched, forming into a smirk. I turned to our end table and grabbed my glasses, placing them on before grabbing my black ‘man headband’ as she would call it. I messily finger combed my hair before placing the band on. I changed into some sweatpants.

 I can hear the waves again. It’s calling me for my daily morning walk.

 Just before I headed out, I made my way to the left side of the bed where a body is being engulfed by the large sheets that I just got out of. I watched her chest rise and fall to the beat of her breathing.

 Sometimes I ask myself, how is it possible to still keep falling in love with someone who you already love in the first place? But when I look at her, somehow, I just know the answer to that question.

She slightly shifted as if she can sense that I was watching her. Her head adjusted on the pillow and once she found her place, a small smile crept on her face.

 Every fiber in me loves her. 

I bent over, placing a small soft kiss on her small forehead. I let it linger for a while, because you know, you’ll never know if this was the last. She has taught me that three years ago. 

I regained my posture and started making my way out the door. I took one long at her before greeting the shoreline.

I went outside our back porch that was decorated by her. You can tell really, with all the sunflower filled vases and lilac toned cushions on the wooden couches. Everything about this area embodied Effy Mclair Tomlinson. Her olive green cardigan lazily hanging on the armrest of her favorite chair.  Her little black journal, that I do not dare to open or else she’d deprive me of her sweet kisses, was laying on top of the little coffee table. Beside it is her favorite mug with fireflies designed on it.

 I love her. I love her. I love her. I love her. I love Effy.

 That was all that was running through my head.

I can hear Harry’s voice in my head saying, “Tommo, you are so whipped.” And I would answer back, “Three years and proud.”

I made my way down the three tiny wooden steps our back porch and sucked my breath in as my foot hit the warm sand. The sand tickled my toes for a bit before I took another step forward and started to make my way down my usual path. 

Each day, I take time to reflect on every thing.  Because I sure did not want to miss any moment that could have changed my life in any way. Once again, Effy taught me that. With her condition before, she taught me how to love life and not waste any moment of it.

On some days, I think about the boys and I. How I still cannot believe that we are already in our third world tour, managing to get sold out shows each time. I’d find myself closing my eyes for a few minutes and remaining still, and instead of the waves crashing, I can hear the people in the arena singing to our songs. They don’t know how it brings me to tears every single time.

On some days, I think about my mother and my sisters. How I wish I could bring my mother with me and show her the world, as how she showed the world to me. How I hope I could be the one tucking my sisters in to bed like I used to. When I think about my family in Doncaster, a wave of longing passes through me.  But just like how the wave will always go back to shoreline even for a while, I will always find my way back home. 

 I’d have about a hundred other thoughts in my head before I even reach the end of the line and start to go back. But every day, without a doubt, I always think about Effy.

This day in particular, my mind is clouded with her.

I sat down on the sand, placing my feet just at the tip of where the water hits the shoreline.

As I start writing my name on the sand, I start to reminisce the day we got married. 

I start to remember every day that I got to spend with her for the past three years.

I start to think of her. 

HOW LONG WILL I LOVE YOU? (Louis Tomlinson)Where stories live. Discover now