Chapter 2 - The Speech

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I sighed in relief after seeing that the crowd was bursting into laughter after Harry's comedic run. The look of triumph plastered on his face is a good sign that his ego was boosted yet again.

Effy leaned in. "Remind me to congratulate Harry."

I chuckled before nodding and giving her a quick peck on the lips. Another fast thumping on the microphone got my attention. I can see Harry digging in his pocket, to take out anoter piece of paper. Much shorter this time, but I can see from a far that it was full of scribles.

"Now to be honest, I am more nervous now than I was at attempting my comedy career." Harry began while fumbling with the piece of paper in his hands.

"Ah, fuck it. Let's just get on with it." He says as he crumpled the piece of paper and shoved it back in his pocket."You see, I'm not really good at this whole speech thing. I tend to drift from one thought to another." The audience laughed which surprised Harry, but didn't really surprise me at all. He is naturally funny, he just doesn't know it.

"Anyway, like I said. I'm not good at this. So when Lou asked me to be his best man, I agreed but only with one condition, I won't do this best man crap. He disagreed of course, that is why I am here. But you know why? He told me, 'Haz, if it was our wedding I wouldn't care at all. But this is Effy. For her man, at least do it fo her'.'" Harry gave me a goofy wink and I wanted to flip him off.

I am embarassed because know every one knows what a whipped man I am. Effy on the other hand was glowing with joy. She gripped my hand and applied soft pressure on it. "Thank you." She mumbled. Then all my embarassement flushed away.

He continued, "So here we go then. I would like to invite you all to pay attention as I go back to the first day I met Louis. It was in a sweet romantic setting called the men's comfort room."

That earned another unanimous laughter from everyone.

"He bumped into me while entering. He said 'Oops!", and me, at that moment, had two options. I could have either punched him because hey he almost made me miss my aim in the urinal.. or I could befriend him because he had nice shoes. Obviously, I picked the second. And to that, I replied "Hi." It couldn't get more romantic than that, right?" Harry's lips quivered. Is he about to cry?

He cleared his throat trying to get his compusre back. He quickly glanced to my direction."Remind me to get that tattooed someday."

I chuckled as I gave him a thumbs up of approval.

"From then on, Louis became three things in my life. And with each persona he is, comes with a realization. First, he is best friend. Cliche, but he was always there for me. One time when we were on our break, my car broke down in the middle of nowhere. And this lad here drove for four hours just to rescue me. There, I realized that Louis is a person that would go any length for someone he loves. That is why Effy do not be afraid because Louis will carry your burdens, wipe your tears and lift your spirits because .. that's how he is."

God damn Harry Styles.

"Second, Louis is my mentor. He continues to guide me to become a better artist, a better me. I remember when I flopped during our first guest appearance after xfactor. No one could talk to me after, except him. He forcefully entered my room, which by the way cost a lot. Our pay checks before couldn't cover it. And -- Oh fuck I'm drifting away again." He groaned as he ran his fingers through his hair.

Everyone let out soft chuckles. I did too, a bit, but I was too anxious to hear what he was going to say next. "For someone who hates making speeches, he's doing a fucking good job." I whispered into Effy's ears.

She playfully swatted my hands. "Tsk, you got a dirty mouth."

Harry's voice boomed in the mic again. "Anyway. That moment, he told me that every one had to make mistakes to become better. And I was even lucky that I made mine from the very beginning. He squeezed my shoulder and said, 'Look at the bright side, from this moment on, we would go no where but up'. And I couldn't say that he was wrong about that. In that situation I realized that Louis is the bright side. So Effy, you are lucky because with Louis, you are always in the midst of happiness. With Louis, you always find the light in any darkness."

I couldn't even start to process my thoughts after that before Harry went on. "I'm sure all of you are curious on Louis Tomlinson's third persona in the eyes of Harry Styles. Let me begin first by narrating the story on how I came to realize this third persona. Louis lost someone really special to him before. It was the hardest time for Louis, and to be honest, I thought he almost lost himself as well. He thought he deserved all the misery in the world. But, fate led him to a girl that would release him from all the pain he had gone through. He resisted at first. He was afraid to be happy, because he thought that he didn't deserve it. But eventually, he was not afraid to be happy anymore. He, forgave himself. He learned to love again. And for that, Louis for me is none other than bravery. He is the bravest man I met. He conquered his fear, and look at him now getting married to the girl who taught him that he deserves to be happy again. That is why Effy, you have nothing to fear. Because you are in the arms of a man who is brave enough to forgive his biggest enemy, himself."

My body took over as I started to rise from my seat with shamless tears about to come out from my eyes. Making my way to Haz, I tried to wipe them off using the sleeves of my tux. In my head, I sent out a mini prayer to the Man upstairs. God, I must have done something right to deserve a friendship with this man right here.

Harry noticed my precense getting closer to him, so he liftted his arm and ordered me to halt. "Hold on Lou, Iet me finish I am on a roll here."

I laughed, not realizing that my tears are streaming down my face already.

"So thank you Lou, for being the real best man in this room. Cheers to you! Cheers to Lou! Cheers to Effy! Cheers to a long happy marriage!" He ended with a huge grin. I was suprised to see that some people were wiping their tears. Everyone applauded and clinked their wine glasses for Harry.

He gave corteous head nods and waves before stepping of the stage and meeting me at the end of the staircase. "Well? Is that a good enough speech?"

I tackled him into a tight embrace. I hear him chuckling before returning the affection that I was showing him. "Thanks Harry, for everything."

He gave me soft pats on the back. "We are totally getting that Oops! and Hi! tattoo sometime, okay? I think it would look pretty sick. I kinda think we could rock the whole punk look."

"Shut up and eat some cake. Punk Harry? Punk Louis? Punk One Direction? I don't see that happening." I humorously said.

Harry shurgged his shoulders. "Well, I didn't think that you would be happily married at 21. But look at you know." And with that, he went on to our table and hugged Effy who was bawling as well.

I discreetly pinched myself just to make sure this isn't all a dream.

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