This isn't the Opera so....

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Spencer and I sat in the waiting room of the hospital. They gave me some forms to fill out and I happily gave them to Spencer. I wasn't sure what they said but I guess Spencer didn't have to ask me any questions because he didn't seem to have any issues with the answers. I closed my eyes and leaned back against the smallish couch Spencer and I were sitting on.

"I feel fine now Spence."

"I don't care, we're not leaving the hospital until a doctor tells me your fine and prescribes some blood pressure medication." I rolled my eyes and could already feel another headache shoving its way into the front of my head. I took a deep breath and moved so my feet were bent up on the seat and laid down on Spencer's lap. "Are you in pain?"

"It's just a headache." I assured him.

"That's another symptom."

"I get them all the time, it's nothing to worry about."

"That just means this could have been going on for a lot longer then we realize." I rolled my eyes and did my best to get comfortable. It would be awhile until it was time to see anyone.

I'm not sure much time went past from when I went to sleep but it felt like only seconds later that Spencer was waking me up. It took me a second to sit up and wake up. "Addi." I had to blink a few times to fully wake up but in the time I was coming to the world he had me on my feet and was leading me to a nurse.

"Addison Winchester?" I nodded and we were led back into another room. This room had quiet a few beds that were evenly spread out around the room, each had a certain that could be pulled around for privacy. The nurse brought them to an empty one and it was then that I noticed that she held a clipboard. The second that I was on the bed she set the board down and grabbed the cuff that was supposed to check blood pressure.

I could tell by her face that she didn't like what the numbers read. She had me lay back on the bed and started asking questions. "How long has you're blood pressure been this high?" I glanced to Spencer and shrugged.

"I didn't even know it was abnormal until this afternoon when I was at the gynecologist." She nodded and wrote something down on the paper.

"Did you're doctor find anything else that might have caused this or has any correlation?"

"She said that my uterus was swollen but that was it." Spencer's hand was on my shoulder and it tightened at my words. "She took some blood and sent them to the lab to try and get some answers as to why."

"We're going to run our own tests, we can get results back a lot faster but for right now I'm going to grab the doctor on the floor and see what he wants to do." She smiled, "I'm sure everything is fine." She took the clipboard with her and disappeared.

"You didn't tell me about the swollen uterus." He said, moving to stand in front of me.

"I didn't have time, the second you asked about it you were rushing me to the hospital." I shrugged, "I'm sorry." He took a deep breath. "This is why you should come to the doctors with me, you understand and know the right questions to ask. I get lost. I can talk about almost everything else but anything medical falls on deaf ears. I don't have anything else to say about it." I crossed my arms over my chest. "How long do you think we're going to have to be here."

About four hours and a lot of tests later I was more then ready to go home. It was 11 o'clock at night and I was done with nurses and doctors. They put me on Iv fluids and had me take some blood pressure medication and I had hoped that would be it but apparently they had more tests they wanted to run. Spencer looked like he was ready to pass out himself and part of me wanted to tell him to get to sleep but the other part of me wanted him awake. As if they were reading my mind the doctor came over to us and pulled the curtain shut. He had a piece of paper in his hands as well as a worrisome face.

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