Chapter Five

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Evelyn's POV

We get out of the car from the 15 minute drive. I hold his hand for comfort. He rubs my hand with my thumb and I let out a heavy breath.

"You'll do fine I just have to give a speech and then we eat while you meet everybody" he says smiling at me.

I nod walking into the huge ballroom. I look around at the people staring at me. My hand starts to shake as people start to whisper saying I'm pretty and adorable. I smile as I hear them and the giggle. I see two little girls admiring my dress and shoes. They smile hugely at me. We get up to the stage as everyone has eyes on me and Xander. He taps on the mic making sure it's on.

"Now I'm sure all of you have heard the rumors of me finding a mate." He looks at me "This is your new Luna Evelyn and expect you all welcome her. She came from the worst pack there is the cold pack in Georgia. She's not used to all of the people. She was not treated well at her old pack so be nice and give her a warm welcome" he finishes and everyone howls and claps for me.

I feel my face flush in embarrassment as everyone claps for me. Xander holds my hand leading me to our table. I look around and all the women here are a lot more bigger than me. They are also more muscular than me. I feel weak as I sit down at our table. I see two people walk towards me. They look around their 40s or 50s.

"Welcome Evelyn to the pack" the man says "I'm Xander's dad Charles and this is my wife Carrie"

"It's very nice to meet you" I answer with a shaky voice.

"Son you picked a good one she is absolutely adorable" Carrie says smiling at me "she's going to need more meat on them bones but we can fix that"

I giggle at her statement. They walk off to go socialize with other people. I see some girls walk over here.

"Hi I'm Hannah Xander's sister and these are my friends Tiffany and Jesse" she says hugging me after introducing herself.

"It's nice meeting y'all" I say they giggle at me saying y'all.

"We can tell your from Georgia" Jesse giggles with Tiffany.

"Sis you all stay out of trouble and behave" Xander says messing with her hair.

They walk off and I look up at Xander. He kisses my cheek before his beta comes over. Me and morgan talk while the boys go get us food.

"So how are you liking it" she says

"I just started and everyone is so nice and welcoming" I giggle

"Well yeah we aren't disrespectful unless your a rogue" she says growling at the fact rogues are monsters.

"At my old pack rogues weren't much of problem is it a problem here" I ask

"Oh yeah we're he biggest pack in the country we have more authority than others" she explains "now hat Your here they might start increasing attacks because of the increase in women here"

"What do you do for fun" I ask

"Well I usually go clubbing and since your new to the pack that means you got to go on the pole" she laughs

"Wait! What" I yell and Xander and nick sit down with our food.

"What are y'all talking about" Xander asks

"About how since she's new to the pack she's got to go on the pole at the club" morgan says giggling

"Is that true" I ask

"Yes but it's only for fun you don't have to" Xander says "which I would you rather do it when it's just me and you"

He whispers that last part. It sends a shiver up my spine. I start to eat my food and I drink some of my water. Classical music starts to play. I see couples get up and start to dance. Xander looks at me smiling.

"You want to dance don't you?" I question

He nods smiling bigger. I stand up taking his hand in mine. We walk out there and start at slow pace. He twirls me before pulling me back and going back to our pace. I lay my head on his chest smiling. He twirls me again before picking me up spinning around. I giggle as he puts me down. The song ends and we go back to the table as the music continues.

"I'm going to the bathroom" I say walking towards the hallway to the bathroom.

I turn a corner and see a bunch of guys standing there. They smile at me and grab me dragging me into a room. I squirm trying to get out of their grip.

"Stop squirming mutt" I hear one of them say.

I scream Xander's name hoping he could hear me. I feel their nails dig into my skin drawing blood. They drag me outside and I scream louder to try get the guards attention. They turn around and mind link Xander to come for me. They run at the rogues beating them up. I hear a loud howl with growling as Xander and nick make their way towards me. Xander beats up the guy holding me and I go unconscious.

Two Hours Later

I wake up in a cot with a hospital gown on. I look around see I'm at the packs clinic. Morgan sits in a chair next to me smiling. I sit up looking at her.

"Where's Xander" I ask rubbing my head.

"He's torturing the rogues in the prison downstairs" she answers.

"I'm going to go see him" I get up wrapping myself in a blanket walking out of the room.

I walk towards the stairs and walk down them. I see guards guarding the door. They let me in and I see nick and another male with him.

"Hey Luna this is Caleb he's the third in command" nick explains.

"Where's Xander" I look around

Nick points to the cells down the hallway. I see Xander torturing the male that hurt me. He's in a room with a wall that has a plastic window so we can see in.

"Am I aloud to go in" I ask looking at him knowing he can't hear me.

"Luna it's not safe" nick says.

"Please" i look at him with my innocent eyes.

"Fine" he huffs unlocking the door.

I walk in and the room goes silent. Xander looks at me and the weak male looks up at me from the floor. I look down at the male and glare at him. I hold onto Xander's side with my arm.

"Baby you need to go back to the clinic it's not safe" Xander says looking at me with worry.

"Just let me try something right quick" I go to a dark corner so I can shift into my wolf.

My bones crack badly because I havent shift since I was 17. I'm 23 and Im still new to it. I shift into my white wolf with a grey streak over my eye. I was tiny compared to Xander's wolf.

"Don't get mad at him if he does anything" I sent to Xander in mind link.

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