Chapter Ten

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Evelyn's POV

I walk into the bathroom to take a shower. I start to think about my training and what I did wrong. After I take my shower I put on some pjs and I see Xander starring me down. I roll my eyes as I flop on the bed. I turn my back to him. I see him turn his back to walk out into the hallway. I run and jump on his back trying to tackle him.

"Are we seriously doing this again darling" he says laughing at my actions.

He flips me to wear I'm over his shoulder. He slaps my butt and walks back to the room. I jump at his actions and growl at him.

"Put me down" I demand but he won't listen.

He finally puts me down and holds me still. He stares at me with dark green eyes.

"Baby I won that fight because I'm a lot stronger and I've had proper training. Give it time and you will get there" he says kissing my head.

I feel bad and I hug his neck. He wraps his arms around me holding me on his hip.

"I'm sorry" I say

"It's okay you don't have to apologize" he says rubbing my back.

I sit there for a minute before looking at him. I look into his eyes and see they are a little bit of green and brown.

"I have a good idea for tomorrow" I said smirking.

"What's that mon amour" he smiles.

"Horseback riding" I say.

"Why that" he tilts his head confused.

"Before my dad became an alcoholic I used to ride horses all the time. It's really fun especially barrel racing. Maybe that's what I can do for a job instead being cooped up here all the time. Like work at a stable and take care of horses" I say meaning every word I say.

"I don't know but I'd rather have you near me" he says "we have stables near the pack house that I own. I can see if you can help out because one of the commanders works there. He can watch over you just in case"

I hug him tightly and he jumps a little at my actions.

"Thank you" I say smiling.

"Anything for you but don't get hurt please" he says sternly.

I nod and lay down on the bed. I pat the side next to me. He lays down and I lay my head on his hard chest. I curl up more towards him. I feel safe in his presence like nothing can touch me. Sometimes it just feels like a dream. Sometimes it's hard to believe that all that has happened is true. I slowly close my eyes and drift off to sleep.


I wake up and see Xander hasn't woken up yet. I slide my way out of his grip. I go to the closet and I change into a simple outfit. I look in the mirror and I'm wearing a blue T-shirt and jeans. I let Todd out to use the bathroom. He comes scratching at the door and I let him back in. I drink some apple juice and eat a piece of toast. I walk back upstairs and see Xander hasn't waken up yet.

I stand on the bed jumping up and down. I giggle as he starts to groan tossing and turning.

"Get up" I keep on jumping till I hear him growl shaking the room.

I flop back down next to him crossing my legs.

"Baby let me sleep" he looks at me with his brown eyes.

"But you promised we would go to the stables" I pout.

He groans and sits up. He leans to kiss my lips. I kiss him back before pulling back.

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