Scorpio(m) x Leo(m)

743 14 66

Requested by Analyst_of_Existence
*Fluff/cringe warning*

"I'm so glad we could do this!" Leo chirped happily as he walked out of the movie theater with Scorpio.

"That was the best first date I've had in a while." Scorpio said smiling happily as they were heading to his house. After a long walk with a good amount of talking they had arrived at Scorpios house.

"So... You wanna watch some Netflix?" Scorpio asked when they went inside and awkwardly sat in silence for several minutes.

When they had got home it was around nine o'clock. That meant Scorpios little sister was asleep and his parents wouldn't be home until later. They basically had the whole house to themselves.

"Yeah! Let's binge watch all of stranger things on Netflix!" Leo said excitedly running to Scorpios room. Scorpio had followed after the excited Leo and grabbed his laptop. But as he grabbed his laptop he got an idea.

"How about we, add a little bit a chill to this night?" Scorpio said with a wide grin that spanned from ear to ear.

Leo took some time to think before speaking. "I'm not sure, I mean, well." Leo was saying.

"Oh come on. You're not a petty little girl worrying about getting pregnant. Man up." Scorpio said much harsher than he had meant to be.

"Hey! Woman do have that serious problem though! You shouldn't joke around about that!" Leo said angrily crossing his arms like a kid.

"Okay, I was a little too harsh there but still. Kids are assholes anyway, why would you want one?" Scorpio said sitting down next to Leo.

"I love kids! You're joking about that too, right?" Leo said hopefully.

"I'm not." Said Scorpio looking Leo in the eye turning on his laptop and opening Netflix.

"Oh. Well then."

They had gotten half way through the first episode and Leo was already talking. "I can't believe eleven is still alive after season one!" He was saying while Scorpio was actually trying to watch the show.

"Man, can't you be quiet during a show, or do I have to shut you up?" Scorpio said pausing the show.

"You'll have to shut me up!" And Leo crossed his arms again and put on a pouty face.

"Well alright then." Scorpio said accidentally hitting the spacebar, unpausing the show, as he got closer to Leo's face.

"Yeah, shut me up Scorpio." Leo said grinning evily.

"Oh I will." Scorpio said before plunging his lips onto Leo's. Leo was taken aback at first but eventually kissed in return.

Scorpio had crawled over on top of Leo, knocking the laptop off the bed, though it was still playing the show. Scorpio had taken control and had stuck his tongue in.

Scorpio was also trying to take off his pants without ruining the mood and so was Leo.

"You are the best kisser I've kissed." Leo said to Scorpio as the pants came off.

"Oh tell me all about it." Scorpio said starting suck on Leo neck finding a sweet spot quickly.

But then, right as Scorpio had successfully removed his pants the door had opened revealing Scorpios little sister.

The two boys didn't notice until she had let out a very audible gasp.

"Scorpio?" The small girl asked very faintly.

Scorpio looked up from Leo and went pale. His little sister, who was only six, was standing in his doorway as he was making out with his boyfriend.

"Virgo! Why are you up, it's nearly midnight!" Scorpio said as Leo hid under the blankets.

"I heard a lot noise from here so I came to check if you were okay. Why aren't you wearing pants?" Virgo asked innocently.

"I'm so glad you're only six with an innocent mind, go back to bed. It doesn't matter, just go back to bed." Scorpio said pulling on his pants and ushering tiny Virgo to her room.

"Okay. Night Scorpy." She said rubbing her eyes as she layed back down in her bed.

Scorpio returned to his room and saw Leo giggling. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing. Just your little sister. She's so innocent." Leo had said putting his pants back on.

"Well that ruined the mood entirely." Scorpio said with a sigh. Leo said goodbye after they scheduled a second date.

Scorpio decided to go to bed and fall asleep to forget that nights fiasco.


*Shudder* I need potatoes. Potatoes, Nutella and YouTube. This is so so soooooo cringy. I'm sorry for this. It's just very far out of my comfort zone of writing. I had tried to reference the book I read way back when(when I was newer to Wattpad) which described it really well. And plus it was Scorpio in the ship. Oh whale, too late now. Have a great day or night, cuz I sure ain't.

Sincerely Zodi.

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