Leo(m) x Virgo(m) x Pisces(f)

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Requested by Piper-ces

Pisces P.O.V.

Finally my first day back at school after a well deserved spring break. I got up out of bed and got ready for school. I kissed my mom bye and drove off to school.

Today is my first day back at school from my very last spring break. I'm a senior at Star Highschool and I'll be off to college almost immediately after graduation. I'm gonna enjoy these last days at school to the fullest!

"Pisces hey girl!" My best friend Libra said as he ran up to me. Libra is an... interesting guys. He definitely leans on the gay side but that doesn't matter. He is so much fun! He loves cats, like really loves cats, he worships them and I have proof of this, and also loves shopping. He has bright blue eyes with bright blond hair and is what I feel most people would consider hot, especially since he's over six feet tall.

Me? Well I have chestnut eyes and long, light brown hair that is waist length. I'm really short though, I'm only five feet. Exactly five feet, no less, no more.

"Hey Libra! Have a good break?" I asked him.

"Yeah, but I need your opinion on something." He said searching for his phone.

"Hey Pisces come in here for a second. I need to have a chat about your grades." Someone said behind me.

I turned around and saw the new teacher Mr.Maid. He was really young for a teacher and all the girls had a crush on him, even it is just a small one.

"Sure, see you later Libra." I said walking into the room.

Mr.Maid taught English so the room had a bunch of inspirational quotes everywhere.

"You're grades are just fine so you know." He started saying. "I actually wanted to talk about something else." He started saying.

I was very confused. What in the world could he possibly want to discuss with a loser like me? I was starting to become anxious.

"This is gonna sound weird since I'm your tea her and all but I kinda of like you." He said sitting down on a nearby desk.

That's it I'm panicking. What do I do!? The hottest teacher just asked me out. I mean he's only 25 and I'm 18 but still! What so I say?!

"It's okay if you say no I don't blame you." He was saying.

"It's totally fine Mr.Maid!" I blurted out in a nervous sweat.

"Call me Virgo, but is that a yes or?"

"I think it's a yes. I mean you're the hottest teacher ever and all the girls have a crush on you. It seems weird but I'm graduating in about a month or so, so it wouldn't be that weird, I think." I was babbling. Had I just started dating my teacher?

As if my situation wasn't awkward enough the door had opened up.

"Hey do you know where that hit Pisces girl is? I've been meaning to ask her out?" Mr.Lion said walking in.

Mr.Lion was the history teacher. He had came here last year and was 26.  He was tall and had Forest green eyes with fiery hair. He held the title of second hottest teacher.

Welp. I'm having an anxiety attack. I had no clue what to do in this situation. Mr.Lion was just staring at me and Mr.M- Virgo.

"Well Leo I already asked her out." Virgo said with a defiant smile.

"Bit have you asked her to go anywhere, I bet not! Pisces wanna go bowling tommorow at five?" Leo asked me.

I stayed silent. "Invite me too." Virgo said.

You know what, I think I'll just go along with it. It's the easy way out.

And that's what I did. I said sure and there it was. A date. That next day was a day to remember and I had a lot of fun bowling with Leo and Virgo.


DISCLAIMER!!! It is heavily frowned upon to date your teacher, Even if you are a senior! Do not get inspired by my writing.

Alright. One request down! A lot more to go! I'm gonna get writing. I've been really busy over the holidays but I'm getting stuff done. Oh whale, have a great day or night!

Sincerely Zodi.

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