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(Not requested by anyone)

Virgo was sitting down at a table in a cafe working on his laptop. It was raining outside, the raindrops splattering on the windows.


Virgo had just gotten a notification on his phone. "What now." He mumbled knowing it was a text from his best friend. She had been texting him constantly at random times for the past week. When he read it though he knew why she had been sending all those texts.

Pisces: My grandma just died, she had a stroke a couple days ago and she has been in critical condition. She died last night.

Virgo knew something she was serious too, she had perfect grammar and spelling with no emojis added.

Virgo: I'm at the cafe near school if you wanna talk about it in person.

He sent the message. He knew she would come, she needed to be around friends.

Several minutes later and the bell on the door to the cafe ringed. "Hey Pisces." Virgo said waving Pisces over. "Oh, hey Virgo." Pisces replied not even trying to sound remotely happy. She sat down and there was a long silence.

Virgo decided to break the silence, "Want me to buy you a drink?" He offered. Pisces burst out crying.

"I remember one time my grandma took me out to get a cafe and bought me coffee even though I was five!" She said sobbing. "Why don't we go for a walk, it's getting hot in here anyways." Virgo said trying to stop Pisces from causing a scene."Okay." Pisces agreed.

They got up, Virgo packed up all his stuff, then they left. "Pisces where is your umbrella?" Virgo asked. "I didn't bring one, I just ran over here." Pisces responded. "Here, get under here with me. I have an extra large umbrella." Virgo said moving closer to Pisces making sure she was under the umbrella completely. "Why is it so big?" She questioned. "So I don't get wet, and also my computer is sensitive to water so I have to take all precautions." Virgo answered. "Oh, okay then."

They had walked for awhile. They were getting close to Pisces house. "Look, it's the sun." Pisces said looking up at the sky. "Clouds are still taking on us though." Virgo pointed out. "RAINBOW!" Pisces said happily jumping up and down as bright and big rainbow appeared in the sky. "I love rainbows!" Pisces sitting down randomly on the wet pavement of the sidewalk. "You're gonna get wet if you sit there." Virgo said. Then he found himself dragged to sit on the wet ground next to her.

"Pisces I'm all wet." He complained. "Stop complaining and look at the rainbow before it goes away!" Pisces said strictly. Virgo looked up, it was a pretty impressive rainbow. "I bet grandma made it for me, so she could see me smile!" Pisces said still staring at the rainbow.

"I doubt it." Virgo said as he stood up. The rainbow slowly disappeared and so did the rain. "Yeah, blue sky!" Pisces jumping in the puddles that were around them. Virgo couldn't help but smile at her childish behavior.

"Alright, we've got to get going. I still have work to do." Virgo said after about five minutes. "Awww, but I wanna stay." Pisces pouted. She folded her arms acting like a small child. "I'm not gonna stay, I'll just leave you here." Virgo said. Pisces turned around.

"Alright then bye." Virgo started to walk away. "No wait!" Pisces said running to catch up with him. "Don't leave me, or else I'll do something stupid." Pisces threatened. Virgo only sighed and turned around. "Oof!".  Pisces had ran at him to hug him and she had knocked him to the ground. "Pisces." Virgo wheezed. "I can't breathe." "Oops, sorry." Pisces said getting up. "I know you like hugs but please try not to suffocate me in the process." Virgo said getting up and brushing dirt off him. "That would be an interesting way to die. Death by hug." Pisces said as they started walking again.

They eventually reached Pisces house. "Welp, bye Pisces." Virgo said waving goodbye. "Just one more hug?" Pisces asked with puppy eyes. "Okay, fine." Virgo said as Pisces gave him a giant hug. Virgo returned hug this time. "Thanks Virgo, you're a really good friend." Pisces said. "No problem." Then Pisces stopped hugging him and went inside her house.

Was she blushing? Virgo thought as he started to walk away. Nah.


So, was it terrible? Was it meh, I'd like to know. Oh well, I  got horrible sleep so I'm really tired. Hope you're having a wonderful day or night.

Sincerely Zodi.

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