chapter ten ; 0 no

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1/3 ; ??:?? AM ; Durance Family Household

Alex jarred Nix awake . Nix thrashed around in the covers , growling .

" What the fuck do you want ? " He spat . Alex's fist twisted into Nix's Ludo shirt , and Nix was yanked to the floor , falling To his knees before being pulled up to his feet . Nix choked , grabbing Alex's arm . Alex led Nix to the living room and roughly shoved him to the couch . Nix's back collided with the leg curve , making him gasp for air at the dull pain that spread over his shoulder blades . Nix stumbled to his feet and groaned , Alex not allowing his knees to stay straight long as he pushed Nix to the cushions . Nix blinked rapidly , his brain refusing to catch up with his body .

' Awake ! Awake ! ' said his limbs . ' Up ! Up ! '

' Sleep now , worry later . ' protested his brain . ' Too tired for this . '

So his brain stayed quiet , not considering the danger his body was encountering . It was dark , and Nix recalled the first time Alex kissed him ; the moon was their only light . Dim and faded but enough to map out Alex's facial expression .

It was disturbingly calm . As if this was a regular occurance . Purphaps Alex's brain said it was - while Nix's was still having trouble normalizing it .

He was fucking his brother .

Those two words shouldn't even go into the same sentence , Nix thought .

Alex wrapped his hands around Nix's waist , rubbing his pelvis bone with his thumbs . Alex pulled himself onto the couch , hovering over Nix . Alex let a devilish smile spread across his face . Sin , temptation , incoming Misery ; all played on Alex's lips . His eyes were half lidded , and darted over Nix's body .

Alex hooked his hands under the hem of Nix's shirt and fiddled with it . As if he was asking if he was allowed to continue . The short and simple answer was ' no ' .

You're not allowed to go any further with what I assume you're about to do . Stop it . Stop it right now .

But Nix knew that any effort to resist was futile .

" Alex , wh- " Alex's hands switched from the hem of his shirt to the band of his boxers . He yanked them off Nix and chucked them across the living room . They looped around the edge of the tv , dangling before falling to the hardwood .

Oh God not this , Nix shuddered , anything but this . I can't . I can't . Not now . Not ever . Please . A pit grew in his stomach the size of himself , consuming his thoughts and finally jarring his brain awake .

' I'm up ! Awake ! ' It screeched . But being awake made no difference to Nix nor to Alex .

Fluster . Mortification . All feeling of embarrassment and shame coursed through his veins like adrenaline causing the hairs on the back of his neck to stand up straight .

" I checked how to do it . " Alex explained , Nix whimpering in response . He raised shaky hands to cover his face . Alex hooked Nix's legs over his shoulders , the younger's toes curling as his groin was put at an uncomfortably close distance to Alex's face .

For your viewing pleasure , Nix mocked , to a cinema near you , watch this weak twink get dominated by his brother .

Alex tugged down his own boxers , and his cock sprang forward in a hurry . Alex's hand wrapped around the phallus and gave it a couple of jerks . Nix cringed at the sound , dying to cover his ears . He wasn't risking Alex see his face though . No matter how dark it was , if Alex saw him in that state it would make everything even worse .

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