chapter thirteen ; their head

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1/7 ; ??:?? AM ; Durance Family Household

Nix Durance woke up , wrapped in his brother's arms as Alex tried to shake him from the dead sleep he had fallen into .

" Nixie , get up . " Alex cooed , nudging Nix on the shoulder just enough to jar him awake . Nix , obviously feeling irked by the wake up call , simply rolled over to meet his brother's chest . Alex was unbelieveably warm and inviting . He pushed out heat like a radiator , but Nix still felt as if he had just walked in from a blizzard .

" Five more min- " Nix cut himself off , voice fading out and into a low snore . Alex smacked Nix's arm harshly , Nix jumping slightly and opening his eyes enough to glare at Alex who was plagued by a look of triumph .

Nix blinked slowly , his lids staying half open as he rolled over once more . He was met with the sight of their room , particularly , the lower level . They had slept on the bottom bunk .

Alex climbed over his brother , careful to hit him every chance he got . Nix groaned and kicked out at Alex , who caught Nix's foot with ease and tossed it back onto the bed .

Alex stood from the bed , cracked his neck , and slid out of the letterman . Sometime during his sleep , Nix had been dressed once more , and the varsity had been removed from his being as well . The weight , as he hypothesized , still resided . It could be the sleep weighing in on him , though .

Alex got changed quickly , tearing off all clothing he had slept in , and sliding into warmer clothes including what Nix thought to be one of his sweater jackets - it was too dark to tell .

The brothers had exactly zero windows in their room , and the lamps were out . There was no moonlight to help Nix see .

" Nix , up . " Alex demanded as if he were ordering a dog around . Maybe being a dog would be better ? He could bite Alex . He'd get put down for it , but he could bite Alex .

Nix swung his legs over the side of the bed and tried to stand only to rock back and hit his shoulder blade on the latter . He cursed below his breathe and grabbed the shoulder , cracking his neck as well .

Alex stared at Nix , who stood silent , massaging his shoulder slowly . Alex waved his hand infront of Nix , who hit it away in annoyance .

" Get changed ? " Alex said . Nix followed the order blindly , very little want to rebel going through his tired mind . He slipped out of the clothes he had been put back into , not bothering hiding his body at this point , and pulled a bleach stained sweater from the closet . Nix yanked his phone from it's charger , and checked the time , eyes hissing in refusal to stare at the screen .

3:01 AM
Hello , Nix

Nix shook his head , and shoved the phone into his jean pocket .

They snuck past Uncle Donny , who still lay in a drunken coma . Nix considered going over and nudging him to make sure he didn't die of alcohol poisioning but decided Donny's destiny would be better off in the hands of fate .

Alex grabbed the keys , and Nix slipped into his jacket . The two quietly made their way outside , and Nix jumped shotgun into the jeep . Alex started the car , flipped on the head lights , and pulled out of the drive way .

Nix was awake , finally , but he was still tired . He stared with lazy eyes at the road ahead , and rested his cheek on his fist .

It took them driving for half an hour before Nix finally piped up about their destination .

" Where are we going ? " He asked .

" It's a surprise . " Alex murmured in response . A small moment of deja vu struck Nix , and he chuckled once .

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