How To #19 - Start A Conversation With Senpai Without It Being Awkward

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How to Start a Conversation with Your Senpai Without It Being Awkward

Having a not awkward conversation with your senpai is possible and can be so fun that it leads to more hanging out. Learn about how to talk to your crush like he or she is a friend, make playful comments, and ask your crush unexpected but easy questions that lead to funny connections. Even if awkwardness happens in your conversation, have a good conversation that leaves your crush wanting to talk to you more.

Part One of Three:
Before You Start a Conversation with Your Crush

Wait for the right time and place to start a conversation. A lot of awkwardness can be avoided if you can find a good time to talk to your crush. A good time to start a conversation could be before school, during lunch or a break, or after school or after an event is over. Use down time as an opportunity to start a conversation. A good place to talk could be at a bus stop, in a bus or on public transit, in a lunchroom, at a dance, or at a get together.
Make sure you have enough time for at least a few minutes of conversation. There are some down time periods that are too short for a conversation. An example of a bad time to talk to someone would be if class is about to start. This is probably not a great time to try to have a conversation because you will be interrupted and will feel silly that you tried to start a conversation at that time.
Avoid trying to start a conversation in a line or during a passing period.
Think about the way your schedule and your crushes' schedule overlaps. Plan on starting a conversation when both of you are free.
Are there any events that are coming up? Think about if there are any dances, parties, or school events that are coming up that you can start a conversation with him or her at.

Talk to your crush like you already know him or her. One way that conversations can become awkward is when one person is extra stiff with the other person; treating him or her like a stranger. Instead, treat your crush as though you are already friendly with him or her. Even though it may be true that you do not know your crush well, you should still talk to him or her with warmth and a friendly tone. [1] You can even start a conversation with an introduction while using a tone of familiarity and warmth by saying something like, "Hi, I don't know if we have actually met. I'm Tim, how's it going?"
When you are talking to your friends, try to notice your tone of voice, the hand gestures you use, and the kind of expressions you use. When you are talking with your crush, try to be the same kind of natural and relaxed while you talk.
Don't be overly familiar with him or her as though you have a history you do not have. For example, you wouldn't say "Hey dude. How's it?"

Think about what he or she might be interested in talking about. If you are familiar with your crushes interests, life, friends, likes, dislikes, etc., use that knowledge to your advantage. You don't have to focus on those things in particular when you talk, but you can talk about things related to his or her interests. For example, if you know that he or she loves the beach, you can talk about the surfing you have done recently. And you don't have to mention that you know that the person likes the beach. Just talk about it like you would talk to a friend who loves the beach.
Awkward conversation can happen when you pretend like you know more about the person than you do in the same way that it can become awkward when you act like you don't know anything about him/her at all when that is not true.

Freshen your breath before you talk. This is an easy way to feel confident in yourself and avoid awkwardness. Buy a pack of sugarless gum with xylitol to take with you to school or wherever you meet your crush. Sugarless gum will cause your mouth to make saliva which will in turn make your breath better and make it easier for you to talk. Pop a piece in your mouth 5 minutes after a meal and a few minutes before you talk with your crush. [2]
If you are going to a dance or somewhere you might be up close and personal with him or her, you can gargle with a mouth wash after you brush your teeth to freshen your breath.
Avoid eating food that will make your breath smell like onions and garlic.
Drink a glass of water, this will flush out any of the food and bacteria that make for bad breath.[3]

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