Chapter one

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"Hello my name is Cassandra Case and I am live at the crime scene of yet another murder.
At 11:45 at night a witness reported a dead body. The body was found in a open dumpster in a back alleyway.
The body was sitting upright in the dumpster with her hands in her lap.
This seem to have been done deliberately. The rest of her body was stitch to together with another victims body parts.
The body has not been identified, anyone with any information on these murders please contact your local police station."


"..... Interesting." A monotone voice said. "I never heard of such a thing in Japan."

"Definitely different than your last case" A older but slivery voice said.

"Shouldn't be too long as we're dealing humans."

The room was busy with students talking with their friends and the boys trying to flirt with girls. But the center of attention was in the middle of the room.

A young man by the name of Eiju Faustus. He was popular among the students with his flamboyant and alluringness. He wasn't like the other guys at all according to the girls. He was kind and completely understanding of just being a friend yet again according to the girls. For the guys he was a lady killer, a total ladies man.  And for the people who didn't know him too well they say he's extroverted, gregarious and very intelligent. 

He had short black, curly hair that fell in the middle on his face and along the sides. It was tied back in a small ponytail. He had heterochromia so is right eye was a captivating blue while the other one was a steel sliver.  

It was the end of the year and everyone was about to graduate high school. All the annoying test are done and we'll see who made it. Now all there is left to do is watch movies in the classroom, decide if you want to keep your reationship going or break up, move out of your parents house and pick a University.

"Hey, Eiju" a feminine voice called out.

Stoping his conversation he looked over and saw a girl with blond pigtails.

"Hi Larien" Eiju said with a smile as he waved at her. The girls around him shot Larien a rude look.

"I was wondering...did you want to go to the moives with me and Lily after school? We're seeing "Midnight Passing"." Larien asked him, twirling her hair slowly. 

BeforeEiju could answer one of the girls did.

"Um Larien don't you have a date with the pavement beneath us?" She said in a snotty tone. The other girls laugh while the boys just stared at Larien.

"You mean that new horror movie? I'd love to go, I heard its suppose to be the scariest moive this year." Eiju said with enthusiasm. 

The looks of shock on the girls face was enough to crack the boys steel glare. They laugh hard and wipe the tears out thier eyes while a couple of the girls started shouting at them. Eiju just sat on the desk and discussed with Larien what theater they were gonna go to.

"Besides have you heard about those murders that have been happening lately? I heard that they were drain of blood and stitch together with other bodies. Like, what would you even call that?." Larien asked him.

Eiju thought for a minute and shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know....a "Doll Maker?". " He ask.

Larien smiled at his answer. "Doll Maker"? She asked. "Thats definitely gonna make the headlines for tomorrows news, I'll make sure to ring up my mom about that one." She said giggling.

"Oh yeah I forgot your mom was Cassandra Case." He said. "The famous news reporter. Did you wanna be a news reporter too?"

"Nah, I wanna be a Crimainal investigator or a police offices or maybe a attorney." Larien said laying back her hair.


The bell rings and the students flood out. Eiju tells Larien he will meet her outside the school. He goes to his locker was gets his bag and shuts it. Since his locker was on the first floor he walked out and went wide eye.

Police everywhere. There was more than a dozen cops in front of the school gate. Some were talking to students and teachers while the other ones were looking around the school. Loki kept walking and looked at the scene around him. Up a head was Cassandra Case about to take a shot. Eiju sigh deeply. The media doesn't miss a second do they? Just as he was about to walk out the gate he was stopped by a officer.

"Hello, my name is Detective Seungbae." The detective said holding out his hand.

The detective wore a hat with sqaure glasses. He looked pretty young.

Loki firmly shook the man hand and let go.

"I'm Eiju Faustus, I'm a senior." Loki said.

"I'm here to ask you some questions...are you aware that there have been a murder just down the street of this very school?" He ask, watching him closely.

Eiju eyes with wide with confusion and disbelief.

"A...murder? Was it one of the students?" He asked with concern.

"I can't answer that and by the look on your face I say you didn't know." He said taking out a notepad and writing something down.

"Of course I didn't know I just came out of class" Loki said.

"Get over here Seungbae!" A voice yelled.

The detective looked over at Loki before leaving. "Thank you for coroborating".

Loki looked on. Someone came up behind him and locked arms with him. He turn to the side to see Larien and her friend Lily coming up behind her. 

"We should go before they start accusing us of murder." She said waiting for Lily then walking towards the gate. Once they got to the gate Larien ran over to her mother and whisper something in her ear. Her mother smiled brightly and thanked her daughter before going back to getting ready.

Larien came back to Loki and dragged him along.

"What did you tell her" He asked, looking at her with his head tilting her way. 

"Nothing much just how I thought the "Doll Maker" had a ring to it." She said laughing.

"Hello my name is Cassandra Case and I am live at Reigon High. Police and detectives are at work on the schools grounds, unfortunately there was yet another murder just across the street from here.  We don't have much information about this murder but that doesn't stop the community from fearing for thier lives since the killer is still at active. Will the police stop this "Doll Maker" or will Korea forever be the highlight of a distress artist?" 


".....Doll Maker?" A voice said quietly.

"The name does fits" A older voice said. The sound of something pouring could be heard.

The voice groaned a bit before going quiet.

"Watari I think its time to inform the police what we're dealing with."

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