Chapter 1: Friend or Foe?

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Author's Note: Welcome to my story. I hope you enjoy it.

Disclaimer: I do not own these characters, with the exception of my original characters, I just am writing my own fanficton based upon them.


The scouting party from Asgard was growing weary from following their leader, Volstagg. The general consensus among the party was that Volstagg was going to stay out in the wilds until he found what he was looking for; what that was, they could not guess. They had been on this particular mission for two weeks and his determination had not dwindled, even though there were no signs of any intruders. At least, there had not been until this morning when one of the trackers had spotted a small trail. They had been following it now for three hours and from all signs, they were closing in on the intruders.

Volstagg finally paused and pointed towards an opening ahead. Those closest to him could not see anything, but they did not argue. Volstagg motioned silently, indicating he wanted the group to split up and surround the glade. Glad of something to do, the group split up. As they neared the glade it was apparent that someone was indeed occupying the area. The scouting party drew their weapons out and waited for a signal.

Volstagg led a small group closer to the glade until he could see who was there and what they were doing. A small party of cloaked figures was seated around a fire. Hoods covered their heads making it impossible to determine who or what they were. Volstagg counted fourteen in the group. A small smile crossed his face, as he knew his party easily outnumbered the group. He moved even closer and shouted out, "Who are you and what business do you have with Asgard?" Signaling his men as he spoke, the warriors quickly surrounded the small party.

One of the figures rose slowly and turned to face Volstagg, no sign of any weapons. A soft voice finally answered, "We mean no harm. We are traveling to Asgard with intentions to meet with Odin."

Volstagg grunted. "Really? Then why are you skulking on the outskirts of Asgard instead of simply coming right to the gates?"

"Skulking?" A soft laugh erupted from the group, this one a feminine voice. A second person rose and moved to stand next to the first, this one much shorter than the initial speaker. "Hardly skulking". She began to move closer to where Volstagg stood, followed closely by the taller one.

"Who are you and why do you hide your faces? Do you fear that we will recognize you for the enemies that you most likely are?" Volstagg's voice was demanding.

The taller of the two pulled his hood off to reveal an aquiline face. "Not enemies Volstagg. We do travel in peace. I am Mythean of Cartherion; we are Vanir.

Volstagg was surprised they knew his name, but allowed no sign of that to cross his face. That they claimed to be Vanir surprised him. He almost wished Hogun had joined him on this particular venture for he would know if this one spoke the truth.

By now the pair had almost reached him. The woman still hid beneath her hood. Glittering eyes shone out, but little else could be seen. He noted the rich fabric of her cloak, black at first, then seeming to change to a subtle shade of blue. They stopped a few feet away. She finally spoke again, ""You really do not need that," She pointed to the sword he had pointed at her.

He did not lower his blade. "Truly? You are fortunate we did not simply kill you."

The woman reached up and pulled the hood back, allowing her face to be seen. Jet-black hair framed her face, a smile danced upon her lips, but it was the ice blue eyes that captured his full attention. "You would have been dead had you tried," Her voice was soft, with a slight accent he did not recognize.

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