Chapter 3: Interrogation

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Chapter 3: Interrogation

~∫ Thor ∫~

Thor moved swiftly down towards the gates, his face intent on his mission, Sif and

Hogun following close on his heels. As they passed one of the local pubs, Hogun

noticed Fandral with two ladies seated upon his lap. Fandral waved at Hogun,

indicating that his presence was needed. Fandral, took one look at Thor's face and

with a word whispered to each lady, he stood up and raced to join up.

"What is going on?" He asked as soon as he caught up.

"Ah, Fandral," Thor grinned at his friends. "So nice of you to find time to join us.

Word has it that Volstagg has 'captured' a group of invaders."

"Volstagg finally found someone?"

"Aye, and he feels them a threat. All fourteen of them," Thor was still a bit bemused

by the information and hoped to find Volstagg soon so he could get the story before

he confronted the invaders.

As they continued down towards the gates, more guards joined the procession. Loki

had taken advantage of this and was marching along behind his brother, curious to

see if it was indeed his childhood friend. As the throng rounded a corner, they found

Volstagg waiting impatiently in the courtyard.

"Ah, Thor. There you are," Volstagg glanced at the large group following Thor.

"Brought enough with you?"

Thor turned to glance at the group, not having realized that their numbers had

grown as they hurried through the city. "Well... " he shrugged it off. "I guess word

got out that you had captured a dangerous group of invaders."

Volstagg nodded. "Aye, I would say dangerous," He quickly retold the story of the

capture and added. "I'm not one to be afraid of strange doings, but that fog was

rather unnatural, more like something..."

Thor frowned. "I know, that my brother might do. I do not know what it is going to

take for you all to realize, but he is the better man for the throne."

The four friends shifted uncomfortably, realizing that he knew their opinion of his

brother. None offered any response. Thor was well aware they did not trust Loki,

but he hoped one day they would come to understand. Now was simply not the time

to debate it. Thor looked directly at Volstagg. "So, it is a party of fourteen total, and

one who claims to be Katirya?"

"Aye, she says she commands the thirteen," Volstagg paused a moment. "I thought

they were only legend."

"Did she state any purpose for her travels? It is rare for any to travel out of


"Yes she did. Stated she wished to reaffirm the alliance with Asgard and wanted to

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