Chapter 10: A Tentative Peace

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A Tentative Peace

~∫ Thor ∫~

As they approached Katirya's rooms, Thor noticed three of the city's guards standing

outside arguing with one of Katirya's Thirteen. He looked sideways at Loki who

simply shrugged.

One of the guards caught sight of them and ran to greet them. "There was a

disturbance within the chambers, but they will not permit us to go inside."

"A disturbance? Please, explain." Thor spoke as they continued towards the door.

"Well, it sounded like fighting, my lords. We came up to investigate and they simply

told us to go away."

Loki looked at his brother and sighed, noticing that two more of the Thirteen had

arrived at the doorway. One moved forward, approaching them. "Well, perhaps they

will permit us to enter."

"She trusted you," the man hissed, "both of you." His black eyes stared first at Thor,

then moved to focus on Loki.

Loki raised his eyebrows. "Well, I cannot say I have been the best host, but that is

the primary reason we have come up here. I need to speak with your Queen."

Thor found the man's choice of words interesting; that Katirya had trusted them

might mean she was simply here seeking aid and not up to something as Loki had

suggested. He refrained from saying anything at this point, preferring to see if they

would gain admission to the rooms. "If we may?"

The Cartherion considered the request, finally stepping to the side and motioning

for the two at the doorway to allow them to enter. "I wish you luck in dealing with

her. She is not in the best of moods."

"Thank you." Loki spoke quietly and entered the room.

Thor paused before following Loki into the room. "Stay out here, unless you hear

any further disturbances and feel the need to intervene." He noted they moved to

join the other Asgardians, weapons within easy reach.

As he entered the first room, he noticed Loki looking around. Following his gaze, he

started to laugh heartily. "Well, brother. It seems she has your taste in decorating!"

The room was in shambles. Tables and chairs were overturned; items that had lain

upon them were broken and strewn around the room. The room looked like a battle

had been waged in there. Several of the servants who had been called summoned to

wait upon Katirya were moving about quietly cleaning up the mess.

Loki shook his head and laughed. "It would seem she is more adept at it than I, from

the looks of it."

"She did have more to work with." Thor pointed this out, knowing that Loki had

been confined to a cell whereas Katirya had several rooms to vent her rage upon.

"Now to find her. I suppose one would just follow the trail."

"I would not precisely call this a trail. It is more like chaos." Loki stepped over a

broken chair and moved through the room. "It would seem to go this way, I believe."

They headed through to another room continuing to find more destruction, finally

reaching a doorway that led out into the gardens. "Well, brother, I would say she

was a tad bit unhappy at the way the council went. I think I would agree with her

guard's opinion in terms of her mood at the moment." Thor gazed about the gardens

and finally caught sight of a small figure seated on the grass at the edge. Her back

was to them, but she was sitting cross-legged, with her head raised up to the sky

giving the appearance of meditation; although considering the destruction in the

rooms, he was not so sure. He gestured to Loki. "All yours, brother."

"Thank you, I think." Loki moved across the gardens and approached her. Reaching

her side, he sat down beside her.

~ß~ Katirya ~ß~

Katirya was seated, eyes closed, calming herself. She knew her anger had left a mess

behind her, but she would deal with it shortly. For now, she needed to reconsider

her plans. The council had not gone well. Loki had surprised her with his response;

she had not anticipated that reaction.

She sensed the arrival of the brothers before heard their voices. She said nothing as

Loki sat down beside her for several minutes. Finally she opened her eyes and

turned her head to look at him. "I am sorry, my friend."

"Well, you did make rather a mess of your rooms." Loki pointed out.

She laughed aloud at that remark, not what she had expected. "I am sorry about that.

My temper did get the best of me. I had not anticipated..."

"No, I am the one who should be apologizing here." Loki interrupted her.

She laughed softly in return. "I had not expected your response. Let's just say we

both have reasons to be angry. Yes, I did lie to you and I had not realized precisely

how that might affect you, but I ought to have. I have lied to so many people and I

can see the results." She gestured back towards the building. "The Thirteen hate me.

They would rather kill me than obey me because I lied to them. Fortunately, they

must obey me. Their families would do anything to kill me. My entire life has been a


"As has mine, as I continue to discover." Loki's expression was thoughtful.

"I know," She replied quietly.

He looked at her slightly puzzled, then realized she had been 'listening' to

everything going on around her.

"My mother taught you some of the skills of a seer. I wonder..." She allowed her

voice to trail off as she thought about the possibilities of who his mother might have

been. Had she been Cartherion? His abilities indicated that it was a strong


"I wish I knew." He replied, having heard her thoughts.

"Not that it truly matters. What matters is what we make of ourselves, not who our

parents are. That, my friend, is more important." Placing a hand upon his knee, she

laughed lightly. "A truce? I promise no more lies."

He nodded in agreement. "Yes, I can agree to that, since I am not the one who has

lied." He smiled at her.

She half turned where and waved at Thor. "Come on over. We still have much to


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