Chapter 19: Heroes & Legends

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Chapter 19: Heroes and Legends

•£• Loki •£•

Morning found Loki reminiscing about the previous evening. This was perhaps the

first time since he had assumed the throne he felt comfortable in the company of

those around him. He attributed this to the presence of Katirya. For once, he was not

the only one who caused distrust. They had spent a quiet hour in the gardens after

their brief discussion. He laughed softly to himself as he recalled how she had

tricked him.

Walking towards the Great Hall, he hesitated at one intersection. The hall to the left

led towards the throne room; for some reason, he had a strong desire to head there.

Yielding to his instinct, he turned left, his footsteps echoing in the empty corridor.

Entering the throne room, he discovered Thor standing in the middle of the room,

staring at the empty throne. Was his brother wondering if he had made the right

choice? How much had Jane Foster played into Thor's decision to yield the throne to


As if reading his mind, Thor spoke, "Good morning brother. And no, I do not think I

made the wrong choice, I was simply missing the guidance of both mother and

father. Sometimes just standing in here, I can feel their presence."

"I did wonder when I saw you," Loki admitted.

"You understand the position better than I ever could, and you allow me to make

decisions for Asgard."

"We do make a great team," Loki chuckled. "Are you looking forward to our trip to

Earth? Will you see your Jane?"

"I hope to, but first we must secure that scepter."

"Let us gather up the rest then, and depart. The sooner we are away, the faster we

shall return. By then way, Kiri suspects... nay, she knows that Sif and Hogun went to


"You told her?" Thor looked at his brother, a slight flash of anger crossing his face.

"Not in so many words. She had an idea we might do something like that."

Thor did not respond immediately, considering the information and finally

accepting the fact. "I suppose it is for the best."

Footsteps could be heard heading in their direction. Both stopped talking to see who

was coming in. Two guards entered and approached. "My lords. Heimdall has sent

word that all is ready. The others await you at the Bifrost."

Joining the others at the Bifrost, Loki noted Katirya was conversing with Heimdall.

As he moved closer, he realized they were discussing the Thirteen.

"Nay, the eight will not travel in physical form, only the five will. They will simply go

where they will and have no need of the Bifrost in their present form."

"That explains why I cannot see them," Heimdall replied, then turned to Loki. "We

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