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Harry's pov:

I walk down the ally splattered with graffiti and gang markings. I carry a little plastic bag and shuffle down the ally wary of attention. I come to a dead end and see a shady figure. " 17865" I whispered remembering the code I had to say.

"Yes it is I "'a deep low voice lower than my own said. I am delivering a shipment of meth and need to get in and out no strings attached.

"I have the stuff do you have the money or not" I snapped.

" Watch your tone with me kid, I don't like your tone and won't hesitate to shoot" he says while cocking a gun in my direction.

I smirk knowing showing fear is probably the worst thing I could do right now. I drop the bag on the ground and kick it with my foot in his direction.

He picks it up and checks it's contents to make sure it was not a joke. He chuckled and says," It seems as though you did as told good work you may go now" he sneered.

" What we had a deal I give you the drugs you give me three hundred dollars!"

" Funny how life doesn't work the way you want it to sorry kid but you ain't gettin' no money so get out of here" his deep baritone voice rings.

I quickly run up to him and punch him in the jaw. I ball my fist up and throw a jab directly at his jaw. I waste no time and punch him in the ribs a few times until I hear a sickening crack.

I calculate my moves timing them out just as a boxer would. After a few good blows he is on the ground coughing up blood and clutching his stomach.

I bend down to he level about to make a remark on how weak he is but he catches me off guard and tackles me to the ground and starts pounding he fist into my face. I try to shove him off but he has me pinned.


The gun goes off. I feel a burning sensation in my chest. The whites of my eyes slowly getting darker, black spots covering my vision. I feel myself drifting.............

Hazel's pov:

I sat down with my frosted flakes and started flicking through the channels when I came across this........


An annoying TV personnel said in their deep weird non realistic voice.

( A/N hey this is one of the authors Kayla what's up is you ok cuz I wants to know well any way this story is co-owned by baileekup123  and TheDreamer1798 we just made a shared account the story will be updated on Tuesday and Friday on a daily basis ok bye)

******* I edited this right now so sry if you read it and it was un edited*******

****** hey it's Bailee just edited it again 9/7/14 ******

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