Baby daddy [Niall horan]

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Niall was just careless .

Why not us a Condom you ask?

it's simple ,Niall likes to put his thing in everything ,without using protection.


I laughed as Harry fell on the stairs ,of course he was yelling and I might or might not have seen some blood but still it was hilarious .


I turned seeing a girl with curly brown hair ,she was beautiful (I wouldn't date her but I pictured her underneath me ,her moans and so on)she looked sad and angry but that meant nothing to me when hearing a soft cry from her arms. I looked down seeing a baby ,his or her hair blonde and their eyes blue like mine .

do I know you?.I asked still staring at the baby who was staring at me .she scoffed .

you don't remember me ,do you?.She asked as she  rocked the little child harshly out of pure anger .

Niall I ..I broke something..

I snapped my head towards Harry who was still at the bottom of the staircase .

Shut the hell up ,I'm talking.I shouted back .and no I don't recall  seeing or even talking to you.

She nodded and walked off ,I still didn't understand how she knew my name.

Niall ,please help me.Harry screamed.

I ran down the steps with a shock expression.

oh ,Harry why didn't you call my name ,your arm is broken.I said worried.

I did you ass hole.

Baby daddy [Niall horan]Where stories live. Discover now