Chapter 7: I'M WHAT

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Nick's POV
It's been two week and everything is perfect, the council guards left a week ago and Mike and some of the Warriors he trained are now patrolling territory. Everything is going perfectly, well expect that I have to do paperwork most of the time. But this week, I have been feeling really sick, I have been throwing in the morning and I get emotional easily . I don't what's going, so Lucy is taking me to the pack hospital to see doctor Lenny in the morning, so he can check was wrong with me.  We went in and I put my name on the paper sheet on the front desk

"Alpha, your doctor is ready to see you now" A nurse said as we follow her in to a room where Lenny was

"Good morning Alpha, what seems to be the problem" Lenny asked as got his clipboard and pen ready to write. I sat down on the bed and Lucy sat on a chair near me

"Well, this week I have been throwing up in the mornings, I bet emotional easily, and I have been eating a lot, and I also have to go to bathroom more than I use, too" I said

He stop writing and looked at me, if I was crazy and quickly left and room, and in a few second s he came back with a small rectangle box.

"What's that?" I asked him, confusedly cause he would do a blood test 

"I do I say Alpha Nick, I think your .....pregnant" Lenny said nervously as he handed me the Box which then know it was pregnancy tester

"B..But how I'm a male, I can't get pregnant" I said in disbelief

"Doctor Lenny, how is this possible" Lucy in shock

"Well, it's pretty rare, but if you have a dominant mate that is Alpha, A Alpha can make there mates pregnant, if they are a he or she" Lenny explained to us

"I'm pregnant" I whispered to myself

"I know, I shouldn't be asking you this, but is your mate Alpha" Lenny asked him

I nodded sadly as I though of HIM!

"I know you told me what happen, but I need you to go and pee on the tester to see, if I'm right" Lenny asked as he pointed to the bathroom door in the room

I went in and peed on it and waited a few minutes and I looked at the tester and it was positive, I'm pregant. I walked back in the room and I told them it was positive.

"Alpha, are you going to keep the baby" Lenny asked

"I am" I said as tears of joy running down my face

"I don't want anyone else to know, just you Doctor Lenny, Lucy, and Mike. If others find out, HE would probably would know" I said sadly

"I understand Alpha, if you would like it I could give you my wife's number, she is a doctor and specialist in pregnancy and baby care" Lenny offered me as he held out a card that has he wife's number

"Thank you so much, I would differently make sure to call her, Good bye doc" I said as I walked out

"Bye, Doc" Lucy said followed behind me

(Back at my house)

I walked in and sat on the couch and Lucy sat next to me.

"So, Nick are hoping to have boy or girl" Lucy said fangirling

"I think a boy" I said blushing

"What if you have twins" Lucy said smiled

"A boy and girl or two boys, or two girls" I said blushing at the thought

"But wha-" Lucy said, but I cut her off

"LUCY" I said angrily

"Okay, okay, I will be quite" Lucy said defeated

"I think i should go tell Mike" I said as I got up from the couch

"Or we can prank him" Lucy smiled evilly

"I don't know that seem mean" I said

"Ok, fine, I think he will come here after he is done training" Lucy said as she pulled back on the couch

Mike's POV.

I finished training for today, I went to Nick's house to see how what the doctor said. I net and knocked the door .

"Hello Nick, Lucy can you guy open the door" I said as the door open, it was Lucy

"Hey, there babe how is Nick" I asked as I went in

"Well, Nick has something to tell you" Lucy said as we walked in the living room and there was Nick sitting on the couch

"What's wrong" I asked him as I sat next to him

"Well, I'm pregnant" Nick said with smile

Pregnant,..he's pregnant, NO WAY

"YOUR pregnant...congrats, but is he the father" I asked

Nick's smile turned into a frown and he nodded sadly

"I wished your mate would have been nicer" I said angrily

"Me too, but I still can't believe I'm going to have pups" Nick said rubbing belly

"Well, Alpha pups are born more earlier than normal wolf pups, it takes six month" Lucy said

"So when are you two going to have pups" Nick smirked at us

I blushed and so did Lucy

"We haven't decided yet" I said

"Well take your time" Nick said

"Nick how are your pains from the rejection" I said him worriedly

"It still hurts, but it hurts more when he has sex someone sometime, I know that every full pain that idiot will cause me more pain" He said as his eyes was fading to red

"We will be here for you Nick, we are a family" Lucy said as she hugged and so did

"Thank you" Nick said happily
Hey guys, so next chapter it been 3 month

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