Chapter 15: Pictures of them

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Nick's POV
(Still Monday, 5:45 pm)

I woke up to the sound of a baby crying, my eye shot wide open. I was in my room and I looked  around and saw Betty on her laptop and I look over to the window and saw a baby crib and a big black wolf stick it's head in the crib and I hear the giggling and laughter of baby's.

"O, Nick your wake how are you feel?!" Betty said as he notice I was wake

"I'm sleepy, hungry, a bit horny" I said

"That normal for werewolf's and human to feel that after a few hour of giving brith" Betty said.

"Are they okay" I asked her, she nodded yes happily

"Would you like to see them" Betty asked as as she walked over to the crib

She grabbed two baby at the same time and then gave them to me, she went back to grab the last one and gave it to me. The big black wolf shifted into their human form and it was Rylan, I never know what color his wolf was and he has the same fur color as Alex.

"Andrew, Noah, and Sky were the names you wanted right" Betty said smiling

"Yes" I said happily as tears if joy came running down

"They are so cute" Rylan said

I was about to say something when Andrew suddenly shifted into his wolf form and soon did Noah and Sky, too

"That new" Betty and Rylan said in unison

"What is?" I asked them, confused on what they meant

"It's normal for werewolf pups to stay in there wolf from when they are born, but since they are Alpha's pups they can shift back to human and wolf form when they turn 3...but they are only six hours old " Rylan explained

"Maybe it's because I'm a white wolf ?" I guessed

"Maybe, but it doesn't matter right now, all that matter is that your baby boys are all healthy and I left there brith certificate in the this folder" Betty as she gave me the folder, I put it aside

I looked down on my pups as they move around each other trying to get on me.

"You should shift back in your wolf form, so they can dink your milk" Rylan said

"Aren't they already full when they first came out" I said confused

"Yeah, but these are Alpha pups you have Nick, and they get hungry a lot" Rylan said.

I sighed and shifted into my wolf and laid down on my side, when I did they quickly crawled to my nipples and started suck it and it felt weird after a few second.

"Nick, I got to go, but if you need me just mind link me or call" Betty said as packed up all of her thing and

I nodded as she left the room, as I felt Andrew not sucking anymore and looked down to him making his way to Rylan and started making cute barking noise at him. Rylan and I laughed.

"he thinks I'm a stranger" Rylan said as he shifted again to his wolf

I looked at Andrew to see what he will do and he just crawl fast toward him and almost at the falling off the bed, but Rylan picked him up with his mouth and got on my bed and placed Andrew with his brother.

"I can tell he will be little trouble maker" I said in the mind link

"Andrew and Noah will, but not Sky" Rylan said jump off the bed

"I can see that" I said look down on them

"You should get some safety gates on the sides of your bed, so they won't fall off your bed" Rylan said

"Not a bad idea" I said

"I have to get going, I need tell Amber about this and show her the pictures" Rylan said with a wolffish grin

"Okay, tell her I said hi" I said as Rylan walked out of the room

You three are so cute as I licked the top of there little head

Amber's POV

It's 9:23 and my father is taking forever to get here, what the hell is taking him so dam long. 

"Mom, have you called him" I asked her

"Yes and he said he will be here any minute" my mother said

I was about say something until I heard a someone knock on the pack house's door.

"That better be him" I said as I ran to open the door, and to see it was my dad

"Where the heck were you!!" I asked him

"Well, I was at get some pictures" my dad whispered in my ear

"Come on, show us" I said as I dragged him in the house

My husband, Damon just walk in and saw my dad

"Shit" I heard him whispered quickly to himself

"Damon, my dad is here with the pictures" I said to him

"Really, let's see it" Damon said

"Let's so to our bedroom" I sad as we all walked to Damon and mine's bedroom

I locked the door and went over to the table where everyone is at. My dad pulled out is laptop and opened it.  When he did there on the screen was a picture of Nick holding three baby boys.

"They look so cute" my mom said

"There's more, but Nick and the boys are in wolf form" my dad said

"Just show us" I said click next to see more pictures

"What did he name them" I asked my dad

The frisk born is named Andrew Jackson and he's title is Alpha, the second born is name is Noah Jackson and his title is a Warrior..but is half Beta, and final the third born is name is Sky Jackson and his title is Omega" My dad said

"That was a good idea for not putting Lycan in their names" Damon said

"Yeah, if he did Alex will have found out" my dad as he show us more pictures

"Yeah and Nick wouldn't be happy about that" I said

"Damon, this weekend we are going to go see Nick and our grandchildren" I said to him

"Yeah, we should" Damon said happily
😅😁next chapter, 5 years will have gone by😅😁

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