caleb ; family friends

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second imagine, everybody! or, at least the two of you reading (still appreciate every two of ya) i thought i'd do a caleb one bc he's sooo underrated and appreciated and i love him so much 💗💓💞💘💖💕💟💓💖

second imagine, everybody! or, at least the two of you reading (still appreciate every two of ya) i thought i'd do a caleb one bc he's sooo underrated and appreciated and i love him so much 💗💓💞💘💖💕💟💓💖

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"mum, please don't make me go; i have homework! i have a huge exam tomorrow! i have a project to do and i never have anything to do at the mclaughlin's house!" i whine as she forces me to the car.

"come on, quit being a baby and get in the car." she says, placing her hands on her hips. i groan and walk into the garage. "i hate this... i hate everyone..." i mumble quietly to myself.

"y/n, i heard that!" she says, joking (sorta). i sit in the back seat as my dad hops into the driver's seat and my mum hops in the passenger seat.

"how long are we gonna be there for?" i ask one of my parents. "i dunno, probably an hour or so." my dad tells me, driving a little over the speed limit.

i used to love going to their house, that is until i turned fourteen and caleb, whom was my friend who i'd hang out with left to film a tv show, most likely forgetting about me. i had the biggest crush on him ever and then he left and became famous, making every girl at our school and all around to world to fall in love with him.

i've just turned sixteen and i've changed a ton since the last time i've seen him. i've gotten taller (only by a little) and pretty much everything grew. my hair is different and i wear makeup (prior to grade eight when i didn't wear makeup).

the point is, i am a different person, and he probably is too. so we'll most likely never be as close as we used to. we're also older now, so girls my age would usually obsess over guys like him.

eventually, we arrive at their house and go inside. i say hi to his sister and his parents before i head over to the livingroom to sit down.

"y/n, caleb's in his room if you'd like to say hi." mrs. mclaughlin tells me. "oh it's ok-" i look over at my mum and she gives me a death look.

"okay i'll say hi..." i tell her, mentally stabbing myself. i knock on his door and i hear a faint "come in". when i open the door, i see caleb sitting on his bed playing some game on his ps4.

"y-y/n?" he asks in shock. i flash an awkward smile. "hi caleb..." i greet him. he just stares at me as if i'm a ghost.

"dude, are you okay?" i ask him, concern written all over my face. "sorry... it's just- you don't look like you- i- i mean in a good way, not that you looked bad before- wait no, i mean-"

i roll my eyes and giggle. "it's okay i get what you're trying to say." i tell him, he blushes and smiles.

it gets pretty quiet after that until he breaks it. "i'm sorry i haven't texted or called you during these past two years, it was an asshole move." he confesses.

i smile and nod. "i'm not gonna disagree..." i joke, causing him to chuckle softly.

"how've you been?" he asks, patting the spot next to him on the bed.

"i'm doing okay; highschool got really boring without you there." i tell him, guilt washing over him. "well, i'm back for a while." he shares, making me smile.

we talk like that for about two hours before we feel as if he never went away.

"can i tell you something y/n?" caleb asks me. i nod my head. "i dunno if this'll make things awkward again or not, but i've gotta get it off my chest..."

i urge him to continue.

"okay, ever since we first went to middleschool i got this gigantic crush on you and if i'm honest, i don't think it ever went away." he confesses. my eyes widen and i feel as if my jaw dropped to the store.

"i like you too! i think- i haven't really seen you in two years b-"

"i swear i haven't changed at all!" caleb tells me, making me giggle.

"okay; caleb, would you do me the honour of going on a date with me?" i ask him, smiling. he nods his head and stands up.

"y/n, we're leaving!" i hear my mum call me. i look back at caled and he looks dissapointed.

"can i kiss you before you go?" he asks me, causing me to smile even more.

"how about you save that for date number one, mclaughlin." i say, giggling.

he frowns until i kiss his cheek, leaving him blushing.

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