jack ; double date

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hey look i updated
my friend and i ( saltybaguette ) rented IT and watched it twice in two days and i forgot how much i love it
also i hate the end of this but i've said it before, i'll say it again; you can't spell success without succ :)

hey look i updatedmy friend and i ( saltybaguette ) rented IT and watched it twice in two days and i forgot how much i love italso i hate the end of this but i've said it before, i'll say it again; you can't spell success without succ :)

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after my best friend jaeden filmed it with a ton of other kids our age, it immediately blew up. his fame grew but we remained close. i went and visited him in toronto throughout the summer and i met the rest of the cast.

it's been a year since they've filmed it and four months since it's release in theatres. my new close friend, maddie ziegler asked me to meet up with her.

"would you be alright if i set lilia and jaeden up?" she asked me. i furrow my brows. "of course i'd be alright with that, why wouldn't i be?" i ask her in confusion.

"i just thought incase you like him, y'know like in the movies?" i shake my head.

"nope, i love jaeden but only as a brother." i tell her. "but lilia and jaeden would be cute as frick." i tell her. she nods.

we were in l.a. at the moment which is where tons of jaeden and my friends live so it was sorta perfect.

a few days pass and i get a call from jaeden.

"hey jaeden." i say. "y/n i need help!" he panics. "dude calm your tits, man." i reply.

"i asked lilia out and she said yes!" he tells me. "isn't that good?"

"please, please, pleeease come?" i let out a sigh. "c'mon jaeden, seriously? it's a date!" i tell him.

"you know how shy i can get! plus you're really good friends with her. you can bring someone, i'll get one of my friends!" jaeden exclaims.

"fine..." i didn't really care that jaeden was bringing along one of his friends, they're all kinda cool and i like them.

i just hope it isn't jack...

there's nothing i really HATE about him, he just always seems to cause this sorta 'hate' relationship between us. i mean he's not an asshole or anything, he just isn't very fond of me and i'm not very fond of him.

saturday comes along all too slowly and i get a ride to jaeden's house by my mum. we were all meeting there. i open the door without knocking because no one has time for that.

and as soon as i walk in, i hear the voice of jack's obnoxious singing ring through the house. "you've gotta be shittin' me!" i whisper/yell to myself.

"y/n!" i hear lilia shout from the livingroom. she runs out, embracing me in a hug. we go into the livingroom and i mentally roll my eyes and shoot a glare too jaeden. his face goes red and mouths a 'sorry' to me.

i subtly shoot him my middle finger.

he immediately stands up abrubtly. "hey how about we go?" jaeden suggests. "i wasn't finished my song yet!" jack whines.

"no one gives a shit, jack." i tell him. he furrows his brows and stands up. "fine." he glares back at me.

we make it to the random diner that lilia chose and jaeden sits next to her so i was forced to sit next to the devil himself.

maybe it was the fact he was previously dating an asshole that made him into one, or he always one. i never got to know jack well enough.

before we order, i stand up. "jaeden, could i talk to you really fast? it'll be like 3 seconds, i swear." i ask. he nods and follows me.

"why jack?" i ask him, adding a little bit of annoyance in my voice.

"all the others were busy." he replies.

"are you su-"

"alright fine, jack likes you and i just thought if you took that stick out of your butt it might work!" he lowkey yells at me. my eyes widen.

"hold on- did you say jack likes me?" i ask.

"yeah! he's liked you ever since we started filming it! ellie was a distraction from his feelings!" i stare at him, completely dumbfounded.


"so go out there and quit being a dick to him!" jaeden says. i hug him quickly. "thanks, man."

i go back out and change the vibe. i get to know him and it turns out he's actually the funniest, sweetest human ever.


my phone rings and i smile as i read who was calling.

"hey babe." i hear on the other side of the line.

"jack!" i exclaim.

"would you like to go on a date with me?" he asks me.

"for the fifth time this week? you sure you're not broke yet?" i ask.

"yeah- how about we make it a double date?" jack suggests.

"i'll call jaeden."

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