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Tydeman State School is a high school unlike any other. Sure enough you have your jocks, your socialites, your nerds and then your musicians. But if there is one thing that separates our school from all the others, it's all the tragedies that have taken place.

Rewind 5 years ago, Tyler Ackerman, 15, found behind the school, multiple stab wounds. They never found the killer. Cause of death wasn't the stab wounds, autopsy found that he was suffocated before hand. With no evidence of the killers presence, the police were unable to make any arrests, they put out a reward but his family have been making their own investigations into what and why it happened. They've been proven insane at this point.

3 years ago, Sheila Korts, found by the river. Initial thoughts were that she drowned, that she killed herself. Autopsy found no trace of water in her lungs, but they discovered that she had been suffocated before she was dumped by the river. The same killer as Tyler had struck again. No evidence of the killer. No arrests. This time a higher reward. Her family lie low these days.

2 years ago, Madison Dyson, she overdosed on drugs that year. Shame, she had such potential. 

The same year, the fire at Addison Grove, killing 43 citizens. Police and the fire department declared that this was an act of "sin" and that this was done in arson and that they suspect that the killer that killed the 2 teenagers years back commutes this crime.

Little does anyone know what I know.

My name is Evelyn Saintclair.
I am 16 years old.
I attend Tydeman High.
I have been for 5 years now.

And I caused all those tradegies.
And I won't be stopped.

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