Ianite x Sparkles

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Ianite's pov:

When I was five, I learned how to ride a bike. It was not pleasant. In fact, it may have been anything but pleasant. I fell. I cried. I ran into random little pebbles on the road, and it felt like I went flying. But it was in all, a lot of fun. I loved that feeling. Just, gliding along...

But in all, it tought me some stuff. Too much in this world comes with a price. If you stop bicycling, then you also stop falling. But if you savor the riding, you also, probably, fear falling much more. I prefer to ride the bicycle and deal with falling.

As for crushes, I take the bull by the horns, and deal. But, I've never had a crush on someone... like Jordon. Someone who I care for. So much. Back in the day, we went to the prom together, and stuff. But I think, at least, that none of us got "feelings" or anything. Me and Jordon only stayed at the prom for thirty minutes, when we went home and spent the rest of the evening playing Mario Kart. Me and Spark had recently gotten into a fight, and had a brief brakup. Nothing too much. But I mean, who breaks up with their girlfriend a few days before prom? But regardless, nothing ever happened between me and Jordon. Just a friendship, nothing more.

But now we're adults. It's not right for me to do this to him. Goodness knows his life is hard enough already. And goodness knows, I can't do this to him.

Jordon's pov:

When I first met Ianite, I got a baby crush on her. Like, the degree of A three year old can understand. Fairytale love. But as I grew older, I realized that love isn't just pecking her on the cheek on top of the monkey bars. But baby crushes count for something. I was dating Capsize for most of middle and high school, so I never really saw Ianite as a girlfriend, or anything. I wish that any of this made even a little more sense.

Capsize... I still miss her. It hurts, but she died to save us. I should have...

I don't know shat I should have done. But I do know that she's gone. Fuck, I don't even really know that. I'm not ready to move on from her. I wish I could have saved her. But I couldn't. We all know that. But I wish she wasn't gone. I wish. I wish so much, but none of it can be. Could be.

I wish I could make this smooth, and drop the subject, but I can't she's still there. She always will be. Somewhere. Whatever happens when you die in this universe, she's there. Waiting for me.

I don't think that...


I just don't know.

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