Part Six

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What I’d disliked about Kurt and Emma is exactly what happened to Stuart and I, and I wasn’t complaining. Wherever I went, he stuck to me like glue, the back of his hand always brushing mine as we walked, but we never held hands. At least, not until a few days later. 

On Friday there weren’t any activities planned and the kids and counsellors were allowed to go anywhere and do anything they felt like doing. I had spent the morning with Emma and Spencer and had agreed to meet up with Stuart in the afternoon. I put on my bikini and grabbed a towel, and went to the lake where Stuart had already found us a nice spot to hang out. 

After a while of talking and tanning, we went for a swim. As usual I felt his hand brush against mine, but this time his fingers searched for mine and they finally entwined. I felt the same butterflies I had felt that night at the lake and could only smile. We had held hands before, but this was the first time since we’d actually started hanging out that we did it and it just felt special this time around. I didn’t know what to call it, what was happening between us, but I liked it.

We played in the water for a little bit before sitting down on the bank, the water reaching up to our waist. The combination of the lukewarm water and hot sun was perfect and I was enjoying every minute of it. As we were sitting there, soaking up the sun, his hand crept onto my knee. I looked at it briefly, and let it stay there, because it gave me those butterflies again, the ones I’d been dreaming of since I’d started going to camp all those years ago. I glanced at Stuart, who had his eyes closed, his face facing the sky. It felt good to know nothing between us was forced. He was genuinely having a good time. A good time with me.

I closed my eyes too, leaning back on my elbows, enjoying the last rays of sunshine of the day. After what must have been a few minutes, I felt something brush against my lips. As I opened my eyes, I came face to face with Stuart’s perfect chestnut brown eyes.

“What are you doing?” I whispered, although I knew exactly what he was doing and couldn’t wait for him to continue.

“Nothing,” he said, the corner of his lip curling up into a cheeky grin. 

“Nothing, huh?”

He nodded, leaning in closer to me.

“That’s too bad,” I said in a whisper, barely audible and he nodded again slowly before his lips melted onto mine for a second time. They were soft and warm, just as perfect as the rest of him. His hand found its way to the side of my neck, his thumb brushing my cheek. As our tongues touched, I brushed my fingers along his arms that I loved so much, and up to his neck, pressing myself closer to him. As we continued to kiss, my fingertips played with his hair and for a second I forgot we were surrounded by a bunch of underaged kids.

“Ahem,” I heard someone cough loudly behind us.

We broke apart and looked up at one of the older counsellors, who had his hands folded across his chest and didn't look too happy. 

“I’m sorry to interrupt your hot and steamy make out session,” he began, making me blush and Stuart snort. “But this isn’t the right time nor place to be expressing your love for each other, do you not agree?”. He sounded very annoyed which just made it so much more fun for Stuart. 

“I’m really sorry. It won’t happen again,” I apologised, slapping Stuart across his chest as he wouldn’t stop laughing. 

“Yeah, sorry,” he barely managed to say in-between laughs. 

“This is funny to you?” the counsellor asked.

Stuart sucked his lips into his mouth, trying to keep a straight face as he shook his head. 

“We’re truly sorry. It won’t happen again. I promise,” I told him and smiled as sweetly as I could. 

“Good,” he said, and with that he left us alone.

“You are awful,” I told Stuart as we got up and walked back to our towels. 

“Oh come on. That was pretty funny,”

“I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

“I enjoyed that ‘hot and steamy make out session’ more,” he said, quoting the counsellor’s ridiculous choice of words and winked at me.

“Did you now?” I teased, stopping in front of him, my fingers drawing circles on his chest.

“I know you did, too,” he said, surely of his kissing abilities. 

“Oh really?”

Bonfire Nights {Stuart Twombly au}Where stories live. Discover now